
By J. Vandorn. University of Houston, Victoria. 2018.

A statistical association was found for minor malformations after exposure to tetracycline in the first trimester of gestation [148] discount 60pills speman fast delivery prostate urologist. A report from the Hungarian surveillance group identified 56 malformed infants whose mothers had used doxycycline during pregnancy [149] cheap speman 60pills mastercard man healthx. However, when each group of malformation was evaluated separetelly, no risk was detected [149]. These case-control analyses did not show any human teratogenic potential of the use of these drugs during the first trimester of pregnancy in the different groups of congenital abnormalities. Exposure to metronidazole was also evaluated with data from the Israeli Teratogen Information Service and no evidence of increased risk of birth defects was found [153]. Two recent studies analyzed the risk of major congenital malformation for several types of anti-infective drugs at the same time. A retrospective cohort study using data from the Tennessee Medicaid program conducted by Cooper et al. No increased risk was present in multivariable analyses for any malformations and for malformations of specific organs. Low statistical power and residual confounding was probable responsible for their results, and current consensus is that this drug should be used as a last alternative when no other choices are available. The teratogenic risk of 11 broad-spectrum antibiotics commonly used during pregnancy and lactation was summarized in a meta-analysis of one hundred twenty-four references [20]. Sum m ary of the studies on the association between the use of anti-infective drugs during pregnancy and theriskof birth defects. Definition of preterm birth Preterm birth is defined as childbirth occurring at less than 37 completed weeks or 259 days of gestation [158]. Preterm births can be subdivided according to gestational age: about 5% of preterm births occur at less than 28 weeks’ (extreme prematurity), about 15% at 28–31 weeks’ (severe pre maturity), about 20% at 32–33 weeks’ (moderate pre maturity), and 60–70% at 34–36 weeks’ (near term) [158]. Preterm birth can also be classified in spontaneous preterm birth (births that follow spontaneous labour or premature rupture of membranes) or medically indicated preterm birth (where a medical or obstetrical condition exists that places the mother or the fetus at risk) [159]. Epidemiology of preterm birth Preterm birth rate has been increasing in many countries. Approximately 85% of these preterm births were concentrated in Africa and Asia, while about 0. Risk factors for 40 preterm birth are multifactorial and vary by gestational age, geographic and ethnic contexts. Predictors for preterm birth include diverse maternal factors and clinical diagnoses [159, 161]. The clinical diagnoses that predispose to preterm delivery may be obstetrical (pre-eclampsia, placental abruption, placenta previa or polyhydramnios) or medical (diabetes and hypertension) [161, 164]. A short interpregnancy interval also increases the risk of preterm delivery [165-167]. In addition, there is increasing evidence of the association between maternal infections and preterm delivery [169-171]. Consequences of preterm birth Premature children have higher rates of cerebral palsy, sensory deficits, learning disabilities and respiratory illnesses compared with children born at term [83]. The morbidity associated with preterm birth often extends to later life, resulting in enormous physical, psychological and economic costs [172]. Of all early neonatal deaths (deaths within the first 7 days of life) that are not related to congenital malformations, 28% are due to preterm birth [160]. Interventions for preterm birth Interventions to reduce the morbidity and mortality related to preterm birth can be classified as primary (directed to all women before or during pregnancy), secondary (aimed to eliminate or reduce the risk in women with known risk 41 factors), or tertiary (initiated after the parturitional process has begun, with a goal of preventing delivery or improving outcomes for preterm infants) [174]. Most interventions intended to reduce preterm birth do not show consistent benefit when tested rigorously in randomized trials. A recent review has highlighted the evidence for interventions directed addressed to the mother [175]. Approximately 2000 studies were evaluated, and only 2 specific interventions were found to be effective in preventing preterm birth: smoking cessation and progesterone therapy for women at higher risk. Type of intervention Comments Primary interventions Pre-conceptional • Public educational • Some authors interventions. Primary prevention • Nutritional / multivitamins • Screening for supplements during asymptomatic during pregnancy pregnancy. Post-conceptional • Secondary prevention of • There is controversy indicated preterm birth. Tertiary interventions Tertiary interventions for • Early diagnosis of preterm • These interventions labour.

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This group of patients concentrates near 50% of all maternal deaths related to abortion or ectopic pregnancy buy 60 pills speman otc man health 360. Apparent health inequality persists with indigenous mothers continuing to have a higher risk of maternal death in different continents discount speman 60 pills line prostate zone anatomy. Until 30 years of age maternal mortality remains stable, but from then on it rises progressively. The lowest maternal mortality is found in relation with the second and third delivery. With further deliveries the risk increases noticeably, overcoming that of the first delivery. The risk of maternal mortality is significantly higher in patients without or with poor prenatal control. The higher maternal mortality rates found in referral hospitals has to be attributed to the high percentage of high risk pregnancies and deliveries that are attended in these institutions. On the other hand there are several medical factors which could have a live threatening impact on the mother. Hemorrhage and hypertensive disorders of pregnancy constitute patholo- gies that have an important protagonism in both settings, whereas infective complica- tions, including those derived from unsafe abortions, have a great impact in developing countries and thromboembolic events are the leading causes of maternal deaths in some developed countries. The following are some of the medical factors that have a closer re- lationship with adverse maternal outcomes, and affected women should be controlled during their pregnancies and deliveries by skilled health providers: 1. Prior to the discovery of insulin diabetic patients died before reaching the reproductive age, and those who did not, suffered a near 50% mortality rate during pregnancy. Despite the introduction of insulin and the great advances in the knowledge of the pathogenesis and treatment of the diabetes, this pathology remains related to a higher risk of complications, especially if the control of the glycemia is suboptimal. Patients with chronic hy- pertension have an increased risk of preeclampsia/eclampsia, that by themselves im- ply a higher mortality risk3. Compared with singleton gestations, women with multiple ges- tations have a twofold risk of death, preeclampsia, and postpartum hemorrhage and a three fold risk of eclampsia. There is also a significant association between multiple gestation and increased incidence of preterm labor, anemia, urinary tract infection, puerperal endometritis, and cesarean delivery4. Stillbirth and maternal mortality rates are strongly correlated, with about 5 stillbirths for each maternal death. However, the ratio increases from about 2 to 1 in least developed countries to 50 to 1 in the most developed countries6. Compared with mothers who have had primary vaginal births, mothers who have had primary caesarean section and undergo labor in the second birth are at increased risk of uterine rupture, hysterectomy, postpartum hem- orrhage, infection and intensive care unit admission7. In a recent study conducted in Mexico, the history of complications in previous pregnancies was the risk factor for maternal death with the highest odds ratio, followed by pre-existing medical conditions8. Infectious, hematological, endocrine, renal, hepatic, neurological, cardiac, pulmonary and immunological diseases. But on the other hand there are some risk factors that have a specific impact on perinatal outcomes without influencing maternal health. The most common causes of stillbirths were conditions originating in the perinatal period: intrauterine hypoxia and asphyxia. Congenital malformations, including deformi- ties and chromosomal abnormalities, and disorders related to slow fetal growth, short gestation, low birth weight, birth trauma and infections were the most common causes of neonatal deaths. In developed countries where pregnancy interruption for fetal congenital defects is legally accepted, fetal malformations have reduced its impact on perinatal mortality, but in developing ones, malformations constitute one of the impor- tant causes of perinatal deaths. Reduction of its contribution to perinatal mortality can only be achieved implementing prenatal diagnosis strategies and referring patients to referral hospitals where affected newborns could be adequately treated. Different screening and prevention strategies have been proposed without great impact on its incidence. Adequate dating of the gestation is of great importance to refer the patients with preterm labor to be delivered in adequate health centers. The challenge of perinatal medicine in this field is to improve the neonatal outcome, es- pecially in poor resource settings. One promising approach consists in managing low birth weight and preterm neonates in home setting by the mother and trained village health workers9. Infants with intrauterine growth restriction are at risk for increased perinatal mortality, birth adaptation complications, including perina- tal acidosis, hypoglycemia, hypothermia, coagulation abnormalities, and selected im- munologic deficiencies.

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