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A The linear regression analysis is the most useful statistic to compare paired patient results because -15 it estimates the magnitude of specific errors discount antabuse 250mg with mastercard symptoms 89 nissan pickup pcv valve bad. Two methods that measure the same margin analyte will have a high correlation coefficient antabuse 250mg low price medicine sans frontiers, C. Te new method is lower than the reference provided the concentrations are measured over a method by 5 mg/dL wide range, and this statistic should not be used D. Te new method is lower than the reference and to judge the acceptability of the new method. Each sample was assayed by both methods within 30 minutes of collection by a technologist familiar with both methods. Linear regression analysis was performed by the least-squares method, and results are as follows: Linear Correlation Standard Error of Regression Coefficient (r) Estimate (sy/x) ŷ=2. Tere is no disagreement between the methods because the correlation coefficient approaches 1. Tere is no systematic error, but the random error of the new method is unacceptable Chemistry/Evaluate laboratory data to assess the validity/Accuracy of procedures/Statistics/2 234 Chapter 5 | Clinical Chemistry 44. False positives Chemistry/Calculation/Specificity/2 80 Answers to Questions 44–46 60 44. B The scatterplot shows that each sample produces a coordinate (x corresponds to the reference result 40 and y to the candidate method result) that is very close to the regression line. This means that the variance of regression is low and there is a high 20 degree of certainty that the predicted value of y will be close to its measured value. Te methods agree very well but show a high equation for this scatterplot is y = –0. Tere will be a significant degree of uncertainty which is equal to (ŷ – xc) where xc is the expected in the regression equation concentration, and ŷ is the value predicted by the D. The probability of false positives is calculated from the specificity as: % specificity 1–( ) 100 5. A new tumor marker for ovarian cancer is Answers to Questions 47–50 evaluated for sensitivity by testing serum samples from patients who have been diagnosed by staging 47. C Sensitivity is defined as the percentage of persons biopsy as having malignant or benign lesions. A new test for prostate cancer is found to have a 100, then dividing by the sum of true positives and sensitivity of 80. B Since the concentration of an analyte may not be by the regional population of adults age 18 and normally distributed in a population, the reference older. Te analyte concentration is known to be range should not be determined from the standard independent of race and gender. A minimum of 120 samples is the analyte from 40 healthy adults and calculate needed for statistical significance. Measure the analyte in 120 healthy adults and lowest value and the 118th is the highest value in calculate the central 95th percentile the reference range. Measure the analyte in 60 healthy adults and range, it can be considered valid for the patient 60 adults with conditions that affect the analyte population. When comparing the laboratory’s monthly mean Answers to Questions 51–53 to its peer group to determine if bias is present, what statistic is most appropriate? Standard deviation index mean, and allows performance comparisons for any analyte. Which of the following methods is most useful distribution to a t test and a value greater than 2. Significant change limit intervention is likely needed to prevent injury or Chemistry/Apply knowledge to identify sources of death. The significant change limit is the difference error/Statistics/2 in test results that is medically significant, or that 53. Which of the following total quality management which cannot be attributed to the sum of normal tools can be used to calculate the analytical error physiological and analytical variation. Laboratory information system patient’s status, other causes are sample misidentification, contamination, and random Chemistry/Apply principles of laboratory operations/ error. Delta limits are expressed in percent and Quality management/2 vary depending on analyte stability.

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