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While ‘travelling’ from one molecule to another takes place by chemical transformations 20 mg vasodilan mastercard arteria spinalis, a clear account on the dimensionality of chemical space or the axes along which is travelled cannot be given cheap vasodilan 20 mg otc arteria omerale. The choice of properties depends on the purpose of the chemical space representation, for instance, whether the aim is to analyze distribution of a set of molecules in chemical space or whether the aim is to 11 Chapter 1 extrapolate to find molecules with better properties. Defining axes in chemical space facilitates distance measurement between molecules, an important concept in cheminformatics. Chemical space is infinite; however, by putting limits on the size of the molecules that are considered, estimates of the number of molecules in chemical space can be made. For instance, when restricting to small organic molecules, size estimates range from 20 60 3, 4 10 to more than 10 molecules, a number for which there would not be sufficient matter in the universe to synthesize all. The number of known organic and inorganic molecules fades when considering the number of theoretical possibilities. While it is impossible to synthesize all possible (small) molecules, it is feasible to construct and explore a virtual chemical space with the aid of the computer. However, a systematic enumeration of all possible organic molecules (with constrained size and type) was first carried out 7 by Fink et al. Mapping compounds from known ‘physical’ compound databases onto this chemical space indicated large unexplored areas. Later, the same group reported the subsequent construction of a database of all feasible organic molecules that consisted of up to 13 atoms of the elements carbon, nitrogen, 8 oxygen, sulfur, and chlorine. Note that both databases consist of drug-like compounds only, according to Lipinski’s rule of five. This rule states that for a compound to be orally absorbed it should have not more than five hydrogen bond 12 General Introduction donors, not more than 10 hydrogen bond acceptors, a molecular weight below 500 Daltons, and a calculated octanol-water partitioning coefficient (logP) not higher than 9 5. Even if it were possible to synthesize all molecules in chemical space, this would not be desirable since most of the molecules would not have any wanted activity, and thus be a waste of materials and resources. Instead of considering all possible molecules in chemical space, one should attempt to select only those molecules that possess the desired properties. To find the desired molecules from chemical space, computational techniques are needed to predict the properties of the virtual molecules. This often implies knowledge of the target, usually a protein, too to find new ligands (i. These ligands do not necessarily originate from a design process but can also stem from virtual screening of compound libraries. Virtual screening represents the computational counterpart of high-throughput screening. Instead of the physiological target, a computational model that represents the target is used to identify hits. Two main approaches exist in rational drug design: structure-based approaches and ligand-based approaches. The structure-based approaches depend on the availability of the three-dimensional structure of the target under study, for instance, the X-ray crystal structure or a suitable homology model. Computer-modeling techniques are then applied to find new ligands, or modify existing ones, that fit into the target structure. In contrast, ligand-based approaches do not require information on the target protein, but instead rely upon the availability of a sufficient amount of 13 Chapter 1 ligand data. Combinations of the two approaches are found in the realm of chemogenomics, which will be discussed later. While structure-based approaches typically place a high demand on computational resources, these allow for the discovery of truly new chemistry. Moreover, structure-based approaches become 10 more feasible with the steady growth of computing power (known as “Moore’s law” ) available to the medicinal chemist. On the other hand, ligand-based virtual screening has been shown to perform often equally well compared to structure-based virtual 11 screening. Finding the desired molecules in chemical space may be accomplished in two distinct ways: first, using selection or prioritization of molecules, and second, by performing a steered search. With selection, molecules with the desired properties are selected (or molecules with undesirable properties are filtered out) from the total set of possible molecules.

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A positive response in this photococarcino- of clinical photoallergy potential are available cheap 20 mg vasodilan with amex blood pressure medication names starting with p. Epi- apparent insensitivity of this assay to some topical immu- demiologic data10 discount vasodilan 20 mg otc arteria century 21,13,14 indicate that persons on chronic nosuppressants and topical photogenotoxicants, other sci- immunosuppressive therapy (e. For topical products that will be applied to sun- result in a fourfold increase in basal-cell carcinoma. Many mining their potential for photoirritation, yet a number researchers have reported the effects of topically applied of these drugs were later identified as phototoxic to vehicles on the skin, some of which alter the optical humans. However, testing for photoco- • Some cream-based vehicles have been found to carcinogenicity in humans is unethical, so animal testing be photosensitizers themselves (proprietary), has been used as a surrogate. In the absence to address these safety concerns adequately while opti- of partitioning into light-exposed compartments, photoir- mizing the use of resources. To accomplish this goal, a ritation testing is unlikely to be informative and need not decision tree approach is recommended to assess whether be conducted. However, agents used for photodynamic testing should be conducted and what type of testing may therapy might be an exception, and valuable safety infor- be appropriate. It is recognized that even short-term exposure operating room lighting) can be generated even if parti- to some nonphotoreactive drugs in the presence of ultra- violet light could result in adverse effects in the skin (e. In the absence of human data, a drug shown to be a photoirritant in nonclinical studies 2. Proposed Approaches to Identifying could be indicated as potentially causing photosensitivity. Photochemical Irritants When adequate human data addressing photoirritation are Short-term photoirritation testing in animals, perhaps fol- available, they would be included in the description of the lowed by photoirritation and photoallergy studies in product and would supplant animal data. Testing of Reformulations ble radiation (290–700 nm) and that are directly applied to the skin or eyes, significantly partition to one of these In general, reformulations intended for administration by areas when administered systemically, or are known to routes other than topical application to the skin do not affect the condition of the skin or eyes. A drug product have to be tested, provided that any new excipients would not be considered for testing for photoirritation undergo appropriate evaluation. It is also not necessary to potential if the person receiving the drug would not be test most reformulations of a topical product for nonclin- exposed to light in the sunlight spectrum while the drug ical photoeffects. If the drug substance or excipients have or photoactive metabolites were in the body. In addition, previously been shown to cause photoirritation, additional it would not be appropriate to conduct photochemical nonclinical photoirritation testing is generally not needed. For example, the agency recommends that a switch A description of the flowchart testing paradigm fol- to a cream formulation from an ethanolic solution gener- lows. Information on the pho- absorption spectrum for the drug substance or drug for- toirritant properties of excipients and their effects on the mulation, as appropriate, is important in making a testing penetration of the drug substance into the skin would be decision. A spectroscopic scan will determine whether a useful in further defining whether new formulations drug absorbs between 290 and 700 nm of the electromag- should be studied. The scan is an important component of drug substance for one formulation do not necessarily the safety assessment. Presentation of only absorption supply relevant data on the absorption for all formulations. Drug Inclusion of topical excipients not previously studied for products that do not absorb between 290 and 700 nm will adverse photoeffects in a new formulation may also war- not be photoactivated. These secondary mecha- nisms include perturbation of heme synthesis and Testing should be conducted under conditions of simu- increased formation of other light-absorbing endogenous lated sunlight to be clinically relevant. However, not all patients receiving a photoirritat- the evaluation of some water-insoluble substances or com- ing drug may experience overt photoirrritation effects. Thus, study are appropriate for the evaluation of the drug product these drugs can also pose a long-term risk for adverse skin of interest and may be important in planning more efficient effects. It is important for product warnings to address this comprehensive in vivo assessments. Other circumstances for which product warning cal studies, acute drug exposure followed by simulated statements, rather than long-term testing, may be appro- sunlight exposure is generally considered adequate to priate include the following: identify potential risks. Assessments of photoirritation may be incorporated into ongoing general toxicity studies • Drugs having structures significantly similar to in some circumstances.

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Menaquinones of varying chain lengths discount vasodilan 20mg mastercard blood pressure of 150/100, from C5 to C65 generic 20 mg vasodilan mastercard hypertension history, have been produced and isolated from bacteria. Menadione can be prepared by oxidizing 2-methylnaphthalene with chromic acid or hydrogen peroxide (Weber & Rüttimann, 1996). A process based on biotechno- logical techniques has been reported in Japan (Van Arnum, 1998). Menadione sodium bisulfite can be prepared by reacting menadione with sodium bisulfite. The compound readily regenerates menadione on treatment with mild alkali and behaves as a typical ketone–sodium bisulfite addition compound (Gennaro, 1985; Van Arnum, 1998). Menadiol sodium phosphate can be prepared by reducing menadione to the diol, followed by double esterification with hydriodic acid, metathesis of the resulting 1,4- diiodo compound with silver phosphate and neutralization of the bis(dihydrogen phosphate) ester with sodium hydroxide (Gennaro, 1995). The modification is catalysed by a micro- somal enzyme called γ-glutamyl or vitamin K-dependent carboxylase, which is present in most tissues. The best-known vitamin K-dependent proteins are those synthesized in the liver, which play a role in the maintenance of normal haemostasis. Vitamin K-dependent proteins, of uncertain function, are also known to occur in a variety of other tissues such as bone, kidney, pancreas, placenta, spleen and lungs. They include the bone protein osteocalcin (also called bone Gla protein) and matrix Gla protein; there is growing evidence that these proteins may be important for bone health and other regulatory functions in calcium metabolism. Naturally occurring phylloquinone and menaquinones all γ-carboxylate the vitamin K-dependent coagulation proteins. Synthetic forms of menadione (and related water-soluble salts) that lack a side-chain at the 3-position have biological activity in vivo only after side-chain alkylation, which results in the specific synthesis of menaquinone-4 (Suttie, 1991; see also section 4). Neonates are born with very limited vitamin K stores, but most infants do not show relevant hypoprothrombinaemia at birth (von Kries et al. Biochemical signs of vitamin K deficiency are common during the first week of life, however, unless sufficient amounts of vitamin K are ingested. The natural diet of newborns is human milk, which contains vitamin K at concentrations of 0. This condi- tion was originally called ‘classical haemorrhagic disease of the newborn’; the present nomenclature is ‘classical vitamin K deficiency bleeding’ (Sutor et al. During the first three months of life, exclusively breast-fed infants remain at risk for vitamin K deficiency bleeding. In many of these infants, the bleeding episode, which is often intracranial haemorrhage, is the first perceived symptom of an under- lying cholestatic disease. In 10–30% of the cases, however, no underlying disease can be found (von Kries et al. After the first three months of life, vitamin K deficiency is almost completely confined to patients with cholestatic diseases (congenital or acquired obstruction of the bile duct), malabsorption syndromes or cystic fibrosis (Houwen et al. The predominant patterns were to give either selective intramuscular prophylaxis only to infants presumed to be at special risk for bleeding (mainly premature and low-birth-weight Table 1. In the early 1950s, water-soluble menadiol sodium phosphate was widely used, until haemolysis due to high doses of this preparation in neonates was identified (Meyer & Angus, 1956). In most countries, phylloquinone has been used since that time, although in some third-world countries water-soluble menadione sodium bisulfite still seems to be used (Sharma et al. Because it is technically difficult to dissolve phylloquinone, only a limited number of preparations became available. The Roche preparation (Konakion®) in which Cremo- phor (polyethoxylated castor oil) is used as an emulsifying vehicle has been widely available in Europe and North America. In Japan, an oral preparation of menaquinone-4 is used instead of phylloquinone (Hanawa, 1992). Almost all cases of vitamin K deficiency bleeding can be prevented by intramuscular administration of 1 mg of vitamin K at birth (von Kries & Hanawa, 1993). Clinical obser- vations and laboratory investigations have also clearly shown that a single oral dose of vitamin K protects against classical vitamin K deficiency bleeding (Clark & James, 1995) but is less effective for prevention of this condition later in life (Tönz & Schubiger, 1988; Ekelund, 1991). Without vitamin K prophylaxis, the incidence of late vitamin K deficiency bleeding in Europe was estimated to be 40–100 per million livebirths, whereas in Asia the condition appears to be considerably more common (Hanawa, 1992; Choo et al. Since intramuscular vitamin K prophylaxis has proven effective against late defi- ciency bleeding, 1 mg of vitamin K at birth was recommended in most western countries (von Kries, 1991). After reports of a potential association between vitamin K prophylaxis and the risk for childhood cancer (Golding et al. In most cases, however, vitamin K deficiency is detectable only by measuring the plasma concentrations of vitamin K or with sensitive biochemical markers of vitamin K deficiency (Cornelissen et al.

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