
E. Abbas. Oakwood College.

At least some of this latter relationship may be due to the fact that people who are more intelligent are better able to predict and avoid accidents and to understand and follow [5] instructions from doctors or on drug labels discount 20mg zyprexa with visa 2 medications that help control bleeding. Although some specific personality traits generic zyprexa 10mg with mastercard medications used for depression, talents, and physical abilities are important for success in some jobs, intelligence predicts performance across all types of jobs. Our vast intelligence also allows us to have language, a system of communication that uses symbols in a regular way to create meaning. Language gives us the ability communicate our intelligence to others by talking, reading, and writing. As the psychologist Steven Pinker put it, [7] language is the “the jewel in the crown of cognition‖ (Pinker, 1994). Although other species have at least some ability to communicate, none of them have language. How Summers offended: Harvard president’s comments underscored the gender bias we’ve experienced. The validity and utility of selection methods in personnel psychology: Practical and theoretical implications of 85 years of research findings. A meta-analytic study of general mental ability validity for different occupations in the European Community. Define intelligence and list the different types of intelligences psychologists study. These questions include how many types of intelligence there are, the role of nature versus nurture in intelligence, how intelligence is represented in the brain, and the meaning of group differences in intelligence. General (g) Versus Specific (s) Intelligences In the early 1900s, the French psychologist Alfred Binet (1857–1914) and his colleague Henri Simon (1872–1961) began working in Paris to develop a measure that would differentiate students who were expected to be better learners from students who were expected to be slower learners. Binet and Simon developed what most psychologists today regard as the first intelligence test, which consisted of a wide variety of questions that included the ability to name objects, define words, draw pictures, complete sentences, compare items, and construct sentences. And it turned out that the correlations among these different types of measures were in fact all positive; students who got one item correct were more likely to also get other items correct, even though the questions themselves were very different. On the basis of these results, the psychologist Charles Spearman (1863–1945) hypothesized that there must be a single underlying construct that all of these items measure. He called the construct that the different abilities and skills measured on intelligence tests have in common thegeneral intelligence factor (g). Virtually all psychologists now believe that there is a generalized intelligence factor, g, that relates to abstract thinking and that includes the abilities to acquire knowledge, to reason abstractly, to adapt to novel situations, and to benefit from Attributed to Charles Stangor Saylor. Soon after Binet and Simon introduced their test, the American psychologist Lewis Terman (1877–1956) developed an American version of Binet‘s test that became known as the Stanford- Binet Intelligence Test. The Stanford-Binet is a measure of general intelligence made up of a wide variety of tasks including vocabulary, memory for pictures, naming of familiar objects, repeating sentences, and following commands. Although there is general agreement among psychologists that g exists, there is also evidence for specific intelligence (s), a measure of specific skills in narrow domains. One empirical result in support of the idea of s comes from intelligence tests themselves. Although the different types of questions do correlate with each other, some items correlate more highly with each other than do other items; they form clusters or clumps of intelligences. One distinction is between fluid intelligence, which refers to the capacity to learn new ways of solving problems and performing activities, and crystallized intelligence, which refers to the accumulated knowledge of the world we have acquired throughout our lives (Salthouse, [4] 2004). These intelligences must be different because crystallized intelligence increases with age—older adults are as good as or better than young people in solving crossword puzzles— whereas fluid intelligence tends to decrease with age (Horn, Donaldson, & Engstrom, 1981; [5] Salthouse, 2004). Thurstone [6] (1938) proposed that there were seven clusters of primary mental abilities, made up of word fluency, verbal comprehension, spatial ability, perceptual speed, numerical ability, inductive reasoning, and memory. But even these dimensions tend to be at least somewhat correlated, showing again the importance of g. One advocate of the idea of multiple intelligences is the psychologist Robert Sternberg. Sternberg has proposed a triarchic (three-part) theory of intelligence that proposes that people Attributed to Charles Stangor Saylor. As Sternberg proposed, research has found that creativity is not highly correlated with analytical [8] intelligence (Furnham & Bachtiar, 2008), and exceptionally creative scientists, artists, mathematicians, and engineers do not score higher on intelligence than do their less creative [9] peers (Simonton, 2000). Furthermore, the brain areas that are associated with convergent thinking, thinking that is directed toward finding the correct answer to a given problem, are different from those associated with divergent thinking, the ability to generate many different [10] ideas for or solutions to a single problem (Tarasova, Volf, & Razoumnikova, 2010). On the other hand, being creative often takes some of the basic abilities measured by g, including the abilities to learn from experience, to remember information, and to think abstractly (Bink & [11] Marsh, 2000).

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His famous E = mc2 mathemati- native medicine practices zyprexa 10 mg low cost symptoms just before giving birth, many of which are still cally described how matter and energy were resented or denounced by the American Medical interrelated purchase 10mg zyprexa visa symptoms 6 year molars. But many medical schools through- were, in fact, two different forms of the same out the country now see fit to include courses on thing. At the time Einstein came up with this con- patients’ emotional issues, nutrition (not histori- clusion, few scientists could entirely understand cally a standard medical-school course), and the its magnitude. Since all energy vibrates and like, and acknowledge that, indeed, there is a oscillates at different rates, then, at least at the mind-body connection working at top speed. Bernie Siegel, a renowned oncologist and And in the eyes of mainstream America as best-selling author, documented his experiences well. In the spirit of Frank Sinatra’s affable with what he says is obviously a connection remark, “I’m for whatever gets you through the between the palpable, visible, audible human night,” it has been reported that eight of 10 body and mysterious forces and mechanisms patients have tried alternative treatments, and of interpreted as “mind. Given the had the courage to come forward and report their thousands upon thousands of alternative practi- findings that support this concept include Dr. Norman his book, Radical Healing: Integrating the World’s Shealy, and hundreds of others. Finally, in the Great Therapeutic Traditions to Create a New Transfor- 21st century, mind-body ideas not only have mative Medicine, Rudolph Ballentine, M. By integrating Introduction xix them, superimposing one upon another in layer mat. If you come across an isolated term pertain- after layer of complementary perspectives and ing to alternative or complementary medicine, techniques, we can arrive at an amalgam that is you can look it up within these pages for identifi- far more potent and thorough than any one of cation and cross-reference. One of the most influential and beloved propo- • Sixty percent of physicians have referred nents of positive life change based on a better- patients to complementary care practitioners. In Self alternative therapies, including Blue Cross of Matters: Creating Your Life from the Inside Out (Simon Washington and Alaska, Blue Cross of Califor- and Schuster Source, New York, 2001), McGraw nia, California Pacific, Catholic HealthCare gives the basis for a self-improvement strategy West, HealthNet, Kaiser Permanente, Mutual of that easily applies to choosing health care: “Trust Omaha, Oxford Health Plans, and Prudential. At the same time, be ruthless about test- Health Benefit Services, based in California, ing your thoughts. Verify that your own internal that is geared toward creating greater credibility responses and interpretations will stand up to the and access for less invasive, more natural test of authenticity. Give yourself permission health care, and to enable all Americans to to generate as many alternative responses as pos- select the type of medical care and physi- sible. Replace any group is also parent to Holistic Health Insurance response that causes you trouble and pain with & Financial Services, Alternative Health Insur- one that moves you toward what you want, need, ance Administrators, the National Marketing and deserve. Instead we turn to our medicine their health plans should cover alternative cabinets. But rently valued at more than $24 billion, with a at the same time, record numbers of Americans growth rate of close to 15 percent per year are spending record numbers of their health care (Rauber, Modern Healthcare, September 1998). While some studies show holistic recommendations over the next year; that patients are generally happy with their own because patient acceptance is greater for these doctors, managed care, with its provider lists and therapies, better compliance results (Health required numbers of patients a doctor must see Products Research, Inc. Illustrated Encyclopedia of Natural Remedies, pointed • Eight states have passed health freedom (prac- out that the physician’s role is to be a “triage offi- tice protection) bills for M. Triage is usually associated with victims of Holistic Veterinary Medical Association among accidents, war, or natural disaster and is geared to the 27 U. Stead advised that when life and Medicine of the National Institutes of Health to function are not at risk, as in the vast majority of determine by objective scientific evaluation the symptomatic illnesses, the patient should ‘go into efficacy and safety of practices and procedures of the department stores and choose that which unconventional medicine; and encourages its most appeals. These powerful responses won’t reverse treatment options; (2) search for underlying every incidence of disease or illness; otherwise, causes of disease, as is preferable to treating only we would live forever. But by beginning to recog- symptoms; (3) use the Hippocratic idea (including nize these powers, we are enhancing vital ele- that the life forces pervade all of nature) of find- ments of the recovery process. When in the 1970s he was afflicted with person; (6) establish a high-quality relationship ankylosing spondylitis, a life-threatening degen- with the patient and encourage the patient to take erative spinal disease, and given a dim prognosis, responsibility for his or her health; (7) consider he decided to take massive doses of vitamin C in the needs, desires, awareness, and insight of both addition to his physician’s treatments and intro- patient and physician; (8) influence patients by duced laughter as the best medicine of all. After shame, greed, and depression; (11) adopt an atti- each laugh session, his doctor tested Cousins’s tude of unconditional love for all; and (12) pursue blood sedimentation rate (an indicator of the the highest qualities of the physical, environmen- status of inflammation in the body) and found tal, mental, emotional, spiritual, and social aspects that it dropped consistently, until, in 1976, of being human. The first The establishment of this and other organiza- published account of this experience appeared in tions promoting alternative and complementary the New England Journal of Medicine, and Cousins medicine would have likely been a source of per- received an honorary degree in medicine from xxii The Encyclopedia of Complementary and Alternative Medicine Yale University. Since then, laughter has actually and all the personal attraction that goes with been scientifically measured and shown to reduce them. People in general have given little attention stress and pain by creating changes in certain to health until it was destroyed. In addi- waited until they were ill before they thought of tion, increased antibody production in the upper the proper care of their bodies.

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Terminology in structuring and developing Nursing Science Quarterly purchase zyprexa 7.5mg on line medicine ok to take during pregnancy, 16(3) zyprexa 7.5 mg sale treatment of schizophrenia, 225–231. Image: Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 30(3), 275– linguistic journey to nursing practice. This provides ex- vance the discipline and professional practice of cellent opportunity for nurses in practice and in nursing. One of the most urgent issues facing the administration to study, review, and evaluate nurs- ing theories for use in practice. Communicating these reviews with the nursing theorists would be One of the most urgent issues facing the useful as a way to initiate dialogue among nurses discipline of nursing is the artificial sepa- and to form new bridges between the theory and ration of nursing theory and practice. This chapter discusses evaluating and selecting discipline of nursing is the artificial separation of nursing theories for use in nursing: practice, educa- nursing theory and practice. The examination and use of nursing theories Although nursing theory is essential for all nursing, are essential for closing the gap between nursing the main focus of theory analysis and evaluation in theory and nursing practice. Nurses in practice this chapter is the use of nursing theories in nursing have a responsibility to study and value nursing practice. The chapter begins with responses to the theories, just as nursing theory scholars must un- questions: Why study nursing theory? What does derstand and appreciate the day-to-day practice of the practicing nurse want from nursing theory? When practicing nurses and nurse scholars work together, the discipline and practice of nursing ben- Reasons for Studying efit, and nursing service to our clients is enhanced. Nursing Theory Examples in this book are plentiful as use of nurs- ing theories in nursing practice is described and Nursing practice is essential for developing, testing, theory-based research to improve practice is high- and refining nursing theory. When nurses in this book developed or refined their theories are thinking about nursing, their ideas are about based on dialogue with nurses who shared descrip- the content and structure of the discipline of nurs- tions of their practice. Even if nurses do not conceptualize them in of this book include Ernestine Wiedenbach, this way, their ideas are about nursing theory. We might consider that as as- brief encounter during a question period at a con- pects of nursing theories are explored and refined ference. Creative ence, asked a nurse theorist, “What is the meaning of this theory to my practice? Creative nursing practice is the direct re- I want to connect—but how can connections be sult of ongoing theory-based thinking, made between your ideas and my reality? I just nursing practice is the direct result of ongoing the- didn’t know I knew it and I need help to use it in ory-based thinking, decision making, and action of my practice” (Parker, 1993, p. Nursing practice must continue to con- in the discipline, all nurses must be continuing stu- tribute to thinking and theorizing in nursing, just dents, must join in community to advance nursing as nursing theory must be used to advance practice. Today, agencies that employ practice is guided by enduring values and beliefs as nurses are increasingly receiving recognition when well as by knowledge held by individual nurses. Nursing theories held by other nurses in the discipline, including inform the nurse about what nursing is and guide nurse scholars and those who study and write the use of other ideas and techniques for nursing about nursing’s metaparadigm, philosophies, and purposes. In addition, nursing theorists and nurses If nursing theory is to be useful—or practical— in practice think about and work with the same it must be brought into practice. At the same time, phenomena, including the person nursed, the ac- nurses can be guided by nursing theory in a full tions and relationships in the nursing situation, range of nursing situations. Historically, this is proaches to understanding needs for nursing and not uncommon to nursing and is deeply ingrained designing care to address these needs. Chapters of in the medical system, as well as in many settings in this book affirm the use of nursing theory in prac- which nurses practice today. The depth and scope of tice and the study and assessment of theory for ul- the practice of nurses who follow notions about timate use in practice. Nurses who learn to practice from nursing Questions from Practicing perspectives are awakened to the challenges and op- Nurses about Using portunities of practicing nursing more fully and with a greater sense of autonomy, respect, and satis- Nursing Theory faction for themselves and those they nurse. Nurses who practice from a nursing perspective approach Study of nursing theory may either precede or fol- clients and families in ways unique to nursing, they low selection of a nursing theory for use in nursing ask questions and receive and process information practice. Analysis and evaluation of nursing theory about needs for nursing differently, and they create are key ways to study theory.

Usually the child is screened over the series of appointments purchase 5mg zyprexa mastercard medications canada, and parents cheap 10mg zyprexa otc medications bad for liver, caregivers, and teachers are asked to fill out a variety of questionnaires regarding language and social interactions. Treatments for autism may include special schools or programs tailored for chil- dren with autism; behavioural therapy and social skills training; speech, occupational, and physical therapy; and prescription medications that address symptoms such as anxiety, anger management, and repetitive movements. Dietary Recommendations Children with autism vary so greatly that broad dietary recommendations are not possible. However, it is critical to try to get these children to eat a healthy diet with as much nutrition and variety as possible. This is easier said than done because they can be highly sensitive to taste and texture and eat only a handful of foods. Exposing children to different foods and encouraging trying new foods is an important social skill for them to learn. A • Include fresh organic fruits and vegetables as tolerated, and whole grains (brown rice, whole oats, millet, amaranth, and quinoa). Foods to avoid: • Processed, refined, and fast foods contain lots of sugar, starch, saturated and trans fats, and are low in nutritional value. If you have trouble reading or pronouncing an ingredient, chances are you should avoid that food. Common allergens include: gluten (a protein found in wheat, rye and barley) and casein (found in dairy). Many children with autism improve significantly on a strict gluten and casein free diet. To rule out potential sensitivities, try an elimination diet as outlined in Appendix D. Lifestyle Suggestions • Social skills training is imperative; visit your local Learning Disability Association for guidance. Multivitamin and mineral formula: Children with autism may be deficient in certain nutrients, which can hamper proper brain and nervous system function. In particular, the B-vitamins (especially B6), vitamin C, magnesium, selenium, and zinc are necessary for the brain and nervous system and production of neurotransmitters. Probiotics: Beneficial bacteria that support intestinal health, aid digestion of nutrients and elimination of toxins, and support immune function. Children with autism may be depleted in beneficial bacteria and have overgrowth of the fungus Candida albicans, which can af- fect behaviour and cognitive function. Dosage: For children over four, give a product that provides at least one billion live cells daily. Complementary Supplements Carnosine: A substance manufactured in the human body, it is composed of the amino acids alanine and histidine. Carnosine is highly concentrated in the brain, nervous system, eyes, and muscle tissue. Phosphatidylserine: An essential component of all cell membranes that is highly concen- trated in the brain and supports proper function of the brain and nervous system. Encourage a healthful diet of organic vegetables and whole grains, free-range poul- try, wild fish, beans, healthy oils, and cultured dairy. Avoid or minimize fast foods, processed foods, junk foods, preservatives, and other chemicals. Consider supplements of essential fatty acids, multivitamin/minerals, and probiotics. Over 80 percent of adults experience low back pain sometime during their life and it can range from mildly uncomfortable to completely debilitating. The area most at risk of injury is the lower B back, or lumbar region, because it has the greatest curve and supports most of the body’s weight. Because the back is a complex network of bones, joints, muscles, liga- ments, disks, and nerves, inflammation or injury to any of these parts can cause acute or chronic pain. The most common cause of back pain is improper or heavy lifting or a sudden awkward movement. Often back pain will resolve within a few weeks, with or without medical at- tention. There are numerous drugs that are used to reduce pain and inflammation, but they can cause a range of unpleasant side effects. There are also many natural treatments, including supplements, acupuncture, and chiropractic, that can offer sig- nificant benefits for reducing pain and improving healing. Light activity, such as walking and stretching, can actually speed healing and recovery.

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