
By L. Sugut. Concordia College, Selma Alabama.

Some birds have gall sented for egg retention of three days’ du- bladders while others do not purchase arava 10mg with amex symptoms high blood pressure. Radiographs indicated dilated From this dorsal view discount 10mg arava visa symptoms 5 days post embryo transfer, the splenic head bowel loops suggestive of an intestinal ob- (arrow) of the pancreas and lateral edge of struction. Shown are by Pasteurella multocida in a Common the pancreas (p), inflamed serosal surface Black Bird (courtesy of R. Gastrointestinal obstruction and peritoni- tis in a pheasant with proliferative typhli- Color 14. Proventriculus of normal air sacs in an Umbrella Cockatoo; (p), isthmus (i) and ventriculus (v). Note the position of the reflection of the lung (lu), both liver lobes (l), proventriculus (p), ventriculus (v), descending duodenum caudal thoracic air sac from the surface of the liver lobe (see Color 14. Note the thin hepatic peritoneal The pancreas (p) lies between the descend- membrane attached to the lobes of the liver. Lung (lu), The lungs (lu), kidneys (k), ovary (o) and heart with thickened, opaque pericardium adrenal glands (a) remain in the carcass (h), liver (l), proventriculus (p) and ven- following removal of the majority of the triculus (v). In health, the kidneys appear dark red-brown and are embedded within the plaques (open arrows) on the right testicle. The adrenal glands are small, round, yellow structures at the cranial divi- of the dorsal wall of the intestinal perito- neal cavity. A mature Rose-breasted Cockatoo was pre- sented with an acute onset of depression, Color 14. The bird did not re- The left lung has been removed to demon- spond to supportive care. Necropsy find- strate its normal anatomic position in the ings included dark, congested lungs (lu), an dorsal thoracic cavity. The lung is attached enlarged, congested liver (l) (note the line to the dorsal body wall and interdigitates of reflection of the lateral wall of the caudal with the spinal processes and ribs. Histopathology indicated Sarcocystis structures have been removed for visuali- sp. Cranial division of left kidney (k1), a) Proventriculus (p) and ventriculus (v) middle division of left kidney (k2), caudal from a one-month-old ostrich. Note the division of left kidney (k3), lung (lu), com- hemorrhage and ulceration (arrows) at the mon iliac vein (arrow), caudal renal vein isthmus, which is common in birds with (open arrow) and ureters (u). Infected birds frequently die of ex- proventriculus of a 23-month-old ostrich sanguination secondary to the tears in the (courtesy of Brett Hopkins). At necropsy, multiple masses were Abdominocentesis indicated the presence identified in association with the pancreas of a septic exudate containing numerous and dorsal body wall. At necropsy, a per- cated a pancreatic adenocarcinoma with forating lesion was noted in the proven- carcinomatosis (arrows) of the abdominal triculus (arrow), and the liver was en- cavity (courtesy of Cheryl Greenacre). The curs in waterfowl with chronic inflamma- accumulation of bile was detected radiog- tory diseases (courtesy of R. The posterior portions of the left and right sternum identifies the ventral midline (arrows). The skin is reflected by plete, survey radiographs may be taken if heavy blunt dissection to reveal the underlying cervical metal toxicosis is suspected. These radiographs may musculature, trachea, crop, keel and pectoral and assist the clinician in localizing metal densities that abdominal musculature (Figure 14. Normal pectoral musculature of most companion birds is plump and appears red-brown. The muscula- Initial Dissection ture should be examined for hemorrhage, penetrat- The bird is placed in dorsal recumbency for initial ing wounds, pallor, pale streaking or loss of total dissection (Figure 14. Pallor or pale streaking may represent muscle wings and legs may be pinned to a dissecting tray or necrosis, inflammation or neoplasia. With larger birds of the pectoral musculature may be observed in feral such as ducks or geese, the coxofemoral joints may be birds with sarcocystosis. Muscle wasting is often a disarticulated by incising the skin, adductor muscles sign of inanition. Exposure of the Thoracoabdominal Cavity The sternal plate is removed by continuing to incise An incision is made through the abdominal muscula- the thoracic musculature and transecting the ribs, ture at the distal tip of the sternum.

The large follicle is sus- ment is clearly visible crossing the cranial division of pended by a stalk order 10mg arava visa medicine 10 day 2 times a day chart. The cranial oviduct and stronger smooth muscle contrac- hypertrophied granulosa cells are metabolically ac- tions in the uterus and vagina move the ovum down tive for several days and may not be reabsorbed until and the sperm up the reproductive tract discount arava 20mg with amex medicine 832. Oviduct eight to ten days post-ovulation in the chicken, and 100 transit time varies among species and is approxi- up to several months in the Mallard Duck. Similar transit times post-ovulatory follicle is thought to secrete non- are discussed in companion and aviary birds, with steroidal hormones that are involved in oviposition 86 the egg spending varying but proportional times in and nesting behavior. During the non-breeding season, the ovarian follicles The cranial infundibulum consists of a thin, nearly normally collapse and exhibit atresia. Two kinds of transparent finger-like funnel that engulfs the ovum atresia have been described. More curs when the follicle wall ruptures and yolk is harm- distally, the infundibular wall thickens as it becomes lessly released into the peritoneal cavity where it is tubular. Invasion atresia involves granulosa and seven centimeters long, while in the Brown Kiwi it theca cells invading the ovum with subsequent in extends the width of the peritoneal cavity to receive situ yolk absorption. The earliest detectable indica- 86 oocytes from functional left and right ovaries. Other species may have fundibulum, where sperm may reside in glandular only one set of these glands. Production glands remain fertile for 7 to 14 days in the chicken of the chalaziferous layer of the albumen and the and for 40 to 50 days in the turkey. It is the largest and most coiled portion of Primary oogenesis begins in the embryo when secon- the oviduct and deposits most of the albumen, so- dary oocytes are formed. Meiosis is arrested until dium, magnesium and calcium used in egg develop- adult life when follicles become active and grow in ment. The egg may remain in the magnum for three three phases, the first of which can last months to hours. The isthmus has less well developed circu- two lasts about 60 days in the domestic hen, and lar muscle and glandular tissue compared to the during this period some yolk is deposited in vacuoles magnum. This stage corresponds with ovar- ian regression that occurs in the non-breeding season The short uterus has numerous leaf-like lamellae in free-ranging species. This part of the uterus is ovoid in shape are both produced by the adenohypophysis under the and holds the egg during shell deposition. Stage three involves cranial aspect of the uterus is difficult to differentiate rapid yolk deposition and normally occurs in free- from the isthmus. Courtship 20 to 26 hours and receives salts, water, the shell and and nest-building activity seem to precede stage shell pigment. The uterus is highly vascularized dur- three follicular development, which terminates with ing egg laying and must be carefully manipulated either normal follicular atresia or ovulation. The egg is oriented in ers of yolk, the oocyte, perivitelline lamina, granu- the uterus with its sharp end pointing caudally. Ovarian thecal most species the egg is laid in this direction, although and interstitial cells produce estrogen while the in some species the egg turns in the uterus just before granulosa cells produce progesterone. The vagina is distinguishable by its numer- causes extrusion of the first polar body, the follicular ous thin folds of mucosa. Extrusion of the some Anseriformes, the vagina is separated from the second polar body occurs in the infundibulum, and cloaca by a membrane that deteriorates at sexual the ovum is formed. These cells continue to produce progester- nal lumen in seconds during normal oviposition. During this time, the turbed during oviposition may retain an egg in the ovary and accessory reproductive tissues, such as the vagina for four days, followed by a normal egg deliv- oviduct and comb, regress. Prolactin secreted by the anterior pituitary Gallinaceous hens can store sperm in the spermatic stimulates the production of “crop milk” in both gen- fossulae (sperm host glands) at the uterovaginal ders of Columbiformes. Photorefractoriness is then terminated by lation or, if given 36 hours before expected ovulation, shorter daylight periods. The extrapolation of any data Domestic hens are continuous layers (indeterminate collected in gallinaceous birds should be applied to layers) and under optimum conditions are reproduc- companion bird species with caution.

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