
By Y. Xardas. Empire State College.

In molecular orbital calculations buy discount prevacid 15 mg gastritis burning stomach, the molecular orbitals φ are represented as a linear combination of atomic orbital functions (χi) prevacid 30mg lowest price gastritis mind map. A variety of different mathematical func- tions may be used to represent these atomic orbital functions. If a very sophisticated mathematical function is used, then the resulting answer is higher in quality, providing very accurate energies and geometries for the drug molecule being studied; however, such calculations may be extremely expensive in terms of computer time required. Classically, the most obvious types of mathemati- cal functions used to represent atomic orbitals are called Slater-type orbitals. The term basis set applies to a set of mathematical functions used to describe the shape of the orbitals in an atom. Molecular orbital calculations may be broadly divided into two types: ab initio and semi-empirical. The term ab initio is an unfortunate choice of words since it gives a mistaken idea of quality; nevertheless, it is used universally for molecular orbital wave- function calculations that explicitly consider all electrons within the drug molecule. The higher the basis set level, the more likely will the calculation reproduce experimental observations, such as bond lengths determined from X-ray crystallographic methods. Not surprisingly, the current medicinal chemistry literature contains numerous examples in which quantum pharmacology calculations using ab initio methods have been employed to understand the properties of drug molecules. Despite the length of time required for their completion, ab initio calculations are themselves not always successful in reproducing experimental observations and do require prolonged calculational times. To address these potential problems, consider- able effort has been expended to devise the so-called semi-empirical molecular orbital calculations. Semi-empirical methods employ a variety of approximations and assump- tions to reduce the complexity of the mathematics and thus the time required for a cal- culation. Core electrons, such as 1s electrons, are ignored under the assumption that they play little if any role in biological and biochemical processes. To compensate for ignoring core electrons, empirically derived parameters are incorporated into the calculations; these “fudge factors” help the semi-empirical calculation to reproduce experimental results while neglecting to calculate a number of difficult integral equations that would be present in the ab initio mathematical formulation. It is not uncommon for semi- empirical calculations to run 2 to 3 times faster than ab initio calculations. These first methods were somewhat crude and proved to be of little value in medicinal chemistry and quantum pharmacology. In molecular mechanics, atoms are regarded as distensible balls, bearing charge, and connected to other distensible balls via springs. The mathe- matics of molecular mechanics is thus rapid and trivial, which makes the technique ideal for the treatment of pharmaceutically relevant macromolecules. The term molecular mechanics refers to a heavily parameterized calculational method that leads to accurate geometries and accurate relative energies for different conformations of molecules. The molecular mechanics procedure employs the funda- mental equations of vibrational spectroscopy, and represents a natural evolution of the notions that atoms are held together by bonds and that additional interactions exist between nonbonded atoms. The essential idea of molecular mechanics is that a mole- cule is a collection of particles held together by elastic or harmonic forces, which can be defined individually in terms of potential energy functions. The sum of these vari- ous potential energy equations comprises a multidimensional energy function termed the force field, which describes the restoring forces acting on a molecule when the minimal potential energy is perturbed. The force field approach supposes that bonds have natural lengths and angles, and that molecules relax their geometries to assume these values. The incorporation of van der Waals potential functions and electrostatic terms allows the inclusion of steric interactions and electrostatic effects. In strained systems, molecules will deform in predictable ways, with strain energies that can be readily calculated. Thus molecular mechanics uses an empirically derived set of simple classical mechanical equations, and is in principle well suited to provide accurate a priori structures and energies for drugs, peptides, or other molecules of pharmacological interest. Molecular mechanics lies conceptually between quantum mechanics and classical mechanics, in that data obtained from quantum mechanical calculations are incorpo- rated into a theoretical framework established by the classical equations of motion. The Born–Oppenheimer approximation, used in quantum mechanics, states that Schrödinger’s equation can be separated into a part that describes the motion of electrons and a part that describes the motion of nuclei, and that these can be treated independently. Quantum mechanics is concerned with the properties of electrons; molecular mechan- ics is concerned with the nuclei, while electrons are treated in a classical electrostatic manner. The heart of quantum mechanics is the Schrödinger equation; the heart of molecular mechanics is the force field equation.

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Folates are carriers of a sin- gle carbon group (methylating group) necessary during purine and pyrimidinethimidylate synthesis purchase 30mg prevacid amex gastritis and bloating, and in particular for methylating deoxyuridine monophosphate to deoxythimidine monophosphate cheap 15mg prevacid free shipping gastritis que hacer. Dihydrofolate reductase’s affinity with antimetabolics is much higher than with usual substrates—folic acid and its reduced forms. Because of the pronounced affinity of dehydrofolatereductase to methotrexate, even large doses of folic acid introduced simul- taneously turn out to be useless in preventing the effects of methotrexate. This undergoes reductive methylation using formaldehyde and hydrogen, which forms N-(4-methylaminobenzoyl)glutamic acid (30. The second part of the methotrexate molecule, 2-amino-4-hydroxy-6-bromomethylpteri- dine (30. This is nitrosylated by anhydrous nitrous acid to 2,4,6-triamino-5-nitrosopyrimidine (30. Upon reacting this with 1,2- dibromopropionic aldehyde, the product of attaching bromine to acrolein, 2-amino-4- hydroxy-6- bromomethyl-pteridine (30. Synonyms of this drug are farmitrexate, ledertrexate, ematexate, maxtrex, folex, mexate, and others. These compounds inhibit synthesis of purine nucleotides, which are made up of purine bases and phosphorylated ribose. Both compounds must be transformed into nucleotides by adding a phosphoribosyl fragment. Upon reacting phosphorous pentachlo- ride with uric acid, 2,6,8-trichloropurine (30. The three chlorine atoms in trichloropurine differ significantly in terms of reactivity for nucleophilic substitution. The chlorine atom at C6 is much more active than the chlorine atom at C2, and this is more active than the chlorine atom at C8, which allows subsequent manipulation by them. Upon reaction with phosphorous pentasulfide, hypoxanthine is transformed into mercaptopurine (30. Mercaptopurine is used for treatment of lymphobastomas, myeloblastoma leucosis, and to treat neuroleukemia. Replacement of the hydroxyl group with a mercapto group at C6 is carried out by reacting it with phosphorous pentasulfide, which forms thioguanine (30. Mercaptopurine is important as a drug of supportive therapy in treatment of both adults and children. Thioguanine may have specific clinical use, or may be used in combination with other drugs in severe myelogenous therapy. This action is accom- panied by formation of an active metabolite, 5-fluorodeoxyuridinomonophosphate from both fluorouracil and fluoxuridine. This complex inhibits thymidylate sythetase and reduces methylation of 2-deoxyuridine acid for formation of thymidylic acid. Antineoplastics 5-fluorouracid is direct fluorination of uracil with fluorine or trifluoromethylhypofluoride [23–28]. Fluorouracil is used to treat carcinomas of the head, neck, colon, rectum, breast, stom- ach, bladder, pancreas, and for actinic and solar creatitis. Synonyms of this drug are efflu- derm, fludix, fluoroblastin, arumel, benton, lifril, and others. Like other pyrimidine antimetabolites, cytarabine must be “activated” by initially transforming into the corre- sponding nucleotide. In principle, however, alkylation can occur and occurs at O6 or N3 of guanine, at N1,N3, or N7 of adenine, or at N3 of cytosine. The schematic mechanism of the action of alkylating drugs, mechlorethamine for exam- ple, the most simple of them all, can be explained by the following scheme. They can be classified as nitrogen-containing mustard derivatives (mechorethamine, chlorambucil, melfalan, cyclophosphamide, ifos- famide), derivatives of ethylenimine (thiotepa), nitrosoureas (carmustine, lomustine, strep- tozocin), alkylsulfonates (busulfan), and derivatives of platinum (cisplatin, carboplatin). Synonyms of this drug are azotoyperit, chlorethamine, chlorethazide, mustine, and many others. In the first stage of synthesis, acetanilide is acylated by succinic anhydride, giving 4-(4-acetaminophenyl)-4-ketobutyric acid (30. The keto group in this compound is reduced by hydrogen in a methanol solution using palla- dium on carbon as a catalyst. This results in the formation of the methyl ester of 4-(4-aceta- minophenyl)-butyric acid (30.

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