
By Z. Treslott. Minot State University.

Over the five-year itation produced significant reductions in systolic period the Transcendental Meditation participants and diastolic blood pressure for men and women in consistently had fewer than half the number of doc- both high- and low-risk groups on six measures of tor visits and days in hospital when compared to hypertension risk: psychosocial stress purchase 100 mg topamax overnight delivery medicine 3604 pill, obesity discount 200 mg topamax with visa treatment dynamics florham park, alco- controls. Of considerable interest was the fact that hol use, physical inactivity, dietary sodium-potas- the Transcendental Meditation group showed rela- sium ratio, and a composite measure of these risk tively little increase in need for health care with factors. Nonpharmacological methods are now rec- increasing age, whereas the opposite trend was ognized as crucial to therapy for hypertension, clearly seen in controls, as would usually be especially in patients below 60 years. Hospital admission rates for medical and the United States Joint National Committee on the surgical conditions were 60–70 percent lower in the Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Transcendental Meditation group, with reductions Blood Pressure has recommended that nonphar- in all 17 disease categories studied. For example, macological, behavioral approaches “should be numbers of hospital admissions were 87 percent used both as definitive intervention and as an lower for diseases of the heart and blood vessels, 55 adjunct to pharmacologic therapy and should be percent lower for tumors, 73 percent lower for res- considered for all antihypertensive therapy. These findings include reduc- • Produces rapid, clinically significant blood pres- tions in high blood pressure; elevated cholesterol sure reductions levels; cigarette smoking, alcohol consumption, • Is distinctly more effective than other medita- and drug abuse; overweight; cardiovascular reac- tion and relaxation procedures tivity to stress; physiological and psychological • Is continued by a high proportion of subjects (in stress levels; and anxiety, depression, and hostility. Randomized con- in a wide range of populations trolled trials have found that Transcendental Medi- • Is effective in reducing high blood pressure both tation is significantly more effective in reducing when used as sole treatment and when used mild high blood pressure than any of the following: concurrently with medication a relaxation technique (progressive muscular relax- • Reduces high blood pressure in “real-life” envi- ation), a pseudomeditation procedure (which ronments outside the clinic attempted to imitate the Transcendental Meditation technique), or a “usual care” program consisting of • Is free of harmful side effects or adverse reactions advice on weight loss, salt restriction, exercise, and • Reduces other cardiovascular risk factors and reduced alcohol intake. Furthermore, Transcendental Meditation was more effective in after three years, all those who had learned Tran- reducing anxiety than other techniques (including scendental Meditation were still alive, in contrast progressive muscular relaxation, methods claimed to significantly lower survival rates for the other to induce a Relaxation Response, and other forms three groups and for the remaining inhabitants of of meditation). Meditation remained highly significant when only Individual health affects the collective health of the strongest and most rigorous studies were a society. A controlled, randomized study conducted at Harvard University found that elderly individuals tridoshas In Ayurvedic medicine the three body who learned Transcendental Meditation showed or constitutional types known as vata, pitta, and significantly greater improvements in a variety of kapha (Sanskrit terms). The doshas reveal many age-related aspects of mental and physical health characteristics and tendencies of an individual, and well-being than subjects taught other tech- who may be a combination of two or all the doshas. Those who Vata relates to the elements ether and air, pitta rep- learned a relaxation procedure that attempted to resents fire, and kapha corresponds to water and imitate Transcendental Meditation showed no earth. Most subjects prac- type and symptoms, Ayurvedic practitioners are ticing Transcendental Meditation rated their tech- able to diagnose illness or predisposition to illness. Various uses of urine may be of drinking, injecting, or externally applying one’s found in the following sources: the German ency- own urine as a treatment for certain ailments or as clopedia Johann Heinrich Zedler’s Grossen Vollstandi- a way of promoting health. Also called amaroli, gen Universallexikon of 1747; The Water of Life, by urine therapy is part of the yoga and tantra tradition John W. Armstrong (Saffron Walden, England: and is said to cleanse the body of impurities and Health Science Press, first edition 1944, 1990); encourage spiritual growth. Karlekar (Bombay, India: some claim are treatable with urine therapy are Shree Gajanan Book Depot Prakashan, 1969); Mir- asthma, flu, tuberculosis, toothache, allergies, heart acles of Urine Therapy, by Dr. Mithal (New disease, dysentery, edema, eye irritation, fatigue, Delhi, India: Pankaj Publications, 1978); Urine fever, smallpox, infertility, hepatitis, Kaposi’s sar- Therapy; Self-Healing through Intrinsic Medicine, by Dr. Color, odor, amount, others who espouse urine therapy say urine is ster- clarity, and other characteristics are observed while ile, has antiseptic properties, and contains harmless tests for acidity, alkalinity, toxins, microorganisms, and nourishing components, as opposed to its being proteins, and other measurements are performed a toxic end or waste product of digestion. Its avail- by adding a sample of urine to certain chemicals or ability and lack of cost are also factors enthusiasts substances and obtaining results. Urine therapy has been practiced for icine the oil drop test requires one drop of sesame thousands of years in the East, as evidenced by an oil per urine sample. Practitioners say that if the approximately 5,000-year-old document describing drop spreads immediately, the patient’s ailment will Ayurvedic herbs and practices. Part of the docu- be easy to treat, if it sinks to the middle of the sam- ment, called “Shivambu Kalpa Vidhi,” which refers ple, the ailment will be difficult to treat, and if it to “the method of drinking urine in order to reju- sinks to the bottom, the ailment will be more diffi- venate,” is named for Shiva (auspiciousness), the cult. A pitta disorder is Western cultures including those of the ancient indicated if the drop disperses on the surface of the 155 156 urine therapy sample and creates rainbow-like colors; an oil drop efit the large intestine. Urophiles, as urine-therapy that separates into “pearls” in the surface of the enthusiasts are sometimes called, acknowledge that sample may indicate a kapha disorder. One report from the absorption and fecal elimination in the large intes- Xinhua news agency claims that more than 3 mil- tine. Practitioners recommend drinking one cup of lion Chinese drink their own urine to promote one’s own midstream urine every morning to ben- health. V vaginal pack, herbal A pad or tampon with aci- of the body, or the energy field, such as bioener- dophilus powder, yogurt, or cottage cheese that getic therapies, homeopathy, and flower essence may be applied to or inserted into the vagina as a remedies. Vitamins are not utilized primar- problems in acquiring the proper balance of nutri- ily as a source of energy or as a source of structural ents to prevent deficiencies. Only three of these, vitamin D, biotin, and diovascular and cerebrovascular disorders, obesity, pantothenic acid, are manufactured by the body, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic renal failure, non- and even these may not be present in sufficient insulin-dependent diabetes, and macular degener- quantities for good health.

True or false: The placebo effect as seen in drug studies is definitive proof that the mind can bring about clinically relevant changes in the body: What is so special about the placebo effect? Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors for unipolar depression: A systematic review of classic long-term randomized controlled trials order topamax 200mg free shipping medicine tour. Selective publication of antidepressant trials and its influence on apparent efficacy effective 100mg topamax medications related to the blood. First-trimester use of selective serotonin- reuptake inhibitors and the risk of birth defects. Safety of haloperidol and penfluridol in pregnancy: A multicenter, prospective, controlled study. Blood lead levels in young children: United States and selected states, 1996–1999. Psychologists base this treatment and prevention of disorder on the bio-psycho-social model, which proposes that disorder has biological, psychological, and social causes, and that each of these aspects can be the focus of reducing disorder. The fundamental aspect of psychotherapy is that the patient directly confronts the disorder and works with the therapist to help reduce it. Psychodynamic therapy (also known as psychoanalysis) is a psychological treatment based on Freudian and neo-Freudian personality theories. The analyst engages with the patient in one-on- one sessions during which the patient verbalizes his or her thoughts through free associations and by reporting on his or her dreams. The goal of the therapy is to help the patient develop insight— that is, an understanding of the unconscious causes of the disorder. Humanistic therapy is a psychological treatment based on the personality theories of Carl Rogers and other humanistic psychologists. Humanistic therapies attempt to promote growth and responsibility by helping clients consider their own situations and the world around them and how they can work to achieve their life goals. Aversion therapy is a type of behavior therapy in which positive punishment is used to reduce the frequency of an undesirable behavior. The most commonly used approaches to therapy are eclectic, such that the therapist uses whichever techniques seem most useful and relevant for a given patient. Biomedical therapies are treatments designed to reduce psychological disorder by influencing the action of the central nervous system. Antianxiety medications, including the tranquilizers Ativan, Valium, and Xanax, are used to treat anxiety disorders. Schizophrenia is treated with antipsychotic drugs, including Thorazine, Haldol, Clozaril, Risperdal, and Zyprexa. Some of these drugs treat the positive symptoms of schizophrenia, and some treat both the positive, negative, and cognitive symptoms. Community mental health services refer to psychological treatments and interventions that are distributed at the community level. Psychologists use outcome research to determine the effectiveness of different therapies. These studies help determine if improvement is due to natural improvement, nonspecific treatment effects, or placebo effects. Research finds that psychotherapy and biomedical therapies are both effective in treating disorder, but there is not much evidence that any one type of therapy is more effective than any other type. What all good therapies have in common is that they give people hope; help them think more carefully about themselves and about their relationships with others; and provide a positive, empathic, and trusting relationship with the therapist—the therapeutic alliance. One problem with drug therapies is that although they provide temporary relief, they don‘t treat the underlying cause of the disorder. Data suggest that although some community prevention programs are successful, the changes brought about by even the best of these programs are, on average, modest. Chapter 14 Psychology in Our Social Lives Binge Drinking and the Death of a Homecoming Queen Attributed to Charles Stangor Saylor. But despite her outstanding credentials and her hopes and plans for the future, Sam Spady died on September 5, 2004, after a night of binge drinking with her friends. When she passed out, after consuming 30 to 40 beers and shots over the evening, her friends left her alone in an empty room in a fraternity house to sleep it off. Sam is one of an estimated 1,700 college students between the ages of 18 and 24 who die from alcohol-related injuries each year. These deaths come from motor vehicle crashes, assaults, and overdosing as a result of binge drinking [2] (National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, 2010). The bars still have 25-cent shot night and two-for-ones and no [3] cover for girls‖(Sidman, 2006).

Intermediate prevalence (1–5%) exists in Eastern Europe buy topamax 200mg cheap treatment questionnaire, the Mediterra- nean discount topamax 100mg on-line medicine 5113 v, the Middle East, the Indian subcontinent, and parts of Africa and Asia. In Western Europe, most of Central America, Australia, and limited regions in Africa, including South Africa, the prevalence is low (0. Previ- ously, America was included in the low prevalence group, but a report pub- lished in 2003 (17) indicated that almost 4 million Americans (i. However, within any country, there are certain groups Infectious Diseases 245 245 246 Nicholson 246 Infectious Diseases 247 Table 5 Prevalence of Hepatitis C • General blood-doning population 0. Symptoms and Complications After an incubation period of 6–8 weeks, the acute phase of the disease lasts approx 2–3 years. Other cases are found by chance, when raised liver enzymes are found on a routine blood test. A “silent phase” follows the acute phase when the virus lies dormant and the liver enzymes are usually normal. Subsequent viral replication damages the hepato- cytes, and liver enzymes rise to moderate or high levels. Approximately 80% of people develop chronic infection, one-fifth of whom progress to cirrhosis. Mother-to-baby transmission is considered to be uncommon but has been reported (20). Theoretically, household spread is also possible through sharing contaminated toothbrushes or razors. Because the disease is often silent, there is a need to raise awareness among the general population on how to avoid infection and to encourage high-risk groups to be tested. Health care professionals should also be edu- cated to avoid occupationally acquired infection. For penetrating bite injuries, there are no data, but it is only considered a risk if blood is involved. Blood or blood-stained body fluids have to be involved in transmission through mucous membrane exposure. Staff/Victims in Contact With Disease Follow the immediate management flow chart, making sure all available information is obtained. If the contact is known and is believed to be immunocom- promised and he or she has consented to provide a blood sample, it is impor- tant to tell the specialist, because the antibody tests may be spuriously nega- tive. The staff member/victim will be asked to provide a baseline sample of blood with further samples at 4–6 weeks and again at 12 weeks. If tests are negative at 12 weeks but the risk was deemed high, then follow-up may con- tinue for up to 24 weeks. If any of the follow-up samples is positive, then the original baseline sample will be tested to ascertain whether the infection was acquired through the particular exposure. It is important to emphasize the need for prompt initial attendance and continued monitoring, because treatment is now available. A combination of Ribavirin (antiviral agent and interferon a-2b) (18) or the newer pegylated interferons (15) may be used. This treatment is most effective when it is started early in the course of infection. Detainees With Disease Unless they are severely ill, detainees can be managed in custody. Contaminated bedding should be handled appropriately, and the cell cleaned professionally after use. Among intravenous drug users, the 250 Nicholson overall estimated prevalence is 1%, but in London the figure is higher at 3. Individuals arriving from Africa or the Indian subcontinent must also be deemed a risk group because 80% of the world’s total cases occur in these areas. The predominant mode of transmission is through unprotected heterosexual intercourse. The incidence of mother-to-baby transmission has been estimated at 15% in Europe and approx 45% in Africa. The transmission rates among African women are believed to be much higher owing to a combination of more women with end-stage disease with a higher viral load and concomi- tant placental infection, which renders it more permeable to the virus (24,25).

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