
By N. Tamkosch. Emory & Henry College. 2018.

A quotation from Jahr’s Repertory will show the Homœopathic uses: “Diseases of the lymphatic vessels and glands; heat buy tricor 160 mg otc cholesterol medication dizziness, with dry order tricor 160mg amex cholesterol in shrimp lo mein, hot skin, thirst, headache and delirium; redness of the eyes, with burning and lachrymation; frequent eructations, with cutting and tearing in the stomach; relaxed feeling in the stomach, as if the stomach were open; orchitis; induration of testes; pain in the larynx on touching it and turning the head; burning in the larynx and trachea; dryness, husky and hoarse voice; inflammation of the larynx, trachea and bronchi; croup; laryngeal and tracheal phthisis; cough, deep from the chest, with soreness and burning, or chronic cough with yellowish expectoration and hoarseness; wheezing inspirations, asthma with amenorrhœa; goitre; hard goitre. The Staphylea has been confounded with the Ptelea, until we hardly know whether a writer in the olden times was describing one or the other. Jones, and valued so highly by him as a tonic, was the article under consideration. At least it would be well for some of our friends who know the article, to procure specimens and thoroughly test it. Jones claimed that it was a pure unirritating tonic, having a soothing influence upon mucous membranes. He employed it in the convalescence from fevers and inflammations, and whenever the stomach was feeble and irritable. The marsh rosemary is an excellent astringent, and at the same time relieves irritation of mucous membranes. It may be used in atonic dyspepsia, in diarrhœa, chronic dysentery, hemorrhage from the lungs, bronchorrhœa, sore throat, chronic laryngitis, and in any catarrhal disease with profuse secretion. Stillingia increases waste and excretion, but its principal action probably is upon the lymphatic system, favoring the formation of good lymph, hence good blood and nutrition. Experience shows that it favorably influences the system in secondary syphilis, in some forms of scrofula, and in cases of chronic disease where the tissues are feeble and not readily removed and renewed. I believe it to be more especially useful in those cases where there is predominant affection of mucous membranes, and secondly, where the skin is involved. In these cases I have used the simple tincture as above, largely diluted with water, with much better results than I have obtained from any of the compounds of Stillingia or alterative syrups. Evidently in the ordinary manufacture of “Compound Syrup of Stillingia,” the virtues of Stillingia, if it has any, are wholly lost, simply because water or dilute alcohol is not a proper menstruum. Stillingia exerts a specific influence upon the mucous membranes of the throat, larynx, and bronchii, relieving irritation and favoring normal nutrition and functional activity. Some cases of chronic pharyngitis of years’ standing, have been relieved by this remedy, after other treatment had failed. It is an excellent remedy in the treatment of some cases of chronic laryngitis, speedily relieving the irritation and cough, and we also employ it in chronic bronchitis with like good results. Now if it is possible to determine the class of cases in which it is thus beneficial, the reader may use it with advantage. So far as my experience extends, they are those with tumid, red, glistening mucous membranes, with scanty secretion. This condition indeed seems to be the index for the use of the remedy for every purpose. From this variety of Lichen, found growing on trees in many parts of the United States, is prepared a tincture in the usual manner. It is a remedy introduced by the Homœopathists, and thus far I have employed their tincture. I have employed it with success in atonic lesions of the respiratory organs, attended with dull pains in the chest, increased by full inspiration. There is also a sense of soreness, as if bruised, or that follows very severe exertion. In these cases it exerted a marked influence, relieving the cough and unpleasant sensations; even checking the chills, hectic fever and night sweats, in confirmed phthisis, for some considerable time. The strongest indication for the Sticta will be found in pain in the shoulders, back of the neck, and extending to the occiput. During the past winter I have had occasion to give it in some very unpleasant cases of scarlet fever, and with most marked benefit. Price, of Baltimore, says: - “I have used Sticta in rheumatism very extensively for the past three or four years. I find it most useful in those cases, where, in connection with the larger joints, the small ones are also involved. It matters not whether fingers or toes, there is swelling, heat, and circumscribed redness of the joints. Both have been employed successfully in the treatment of ague, and are powerful stimulants and restoratives.

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Both passive and active range-of-motion exercises are initiated from the day of admission and are continued after grafting safe tricor 160mg cholesterol test for diabetes, within prescribed limitations buy tricor 160mg free shipping cholesterol levels high during pregnancy. Splints or functional devices may be applied to extremities for contracture control. The nurse monitors the splinted areas for signs of vascular insufficiency and nerve compression. Strengthening Coping Strategies In the acute phase of burn care, the patient is facing the reality of the burn trauma and is grieving over obvious losses. Depression, regression, and manipulative behavior are common responses of patients who have burn injuries. Withdrawal from participation in required treatments and regression must be viewed with an understanding that such behavior may help the patient cope with an enormously stressful event. Although most patients recover emotionally from a burn injury, some have more difficult psychological reactions to the injury and its outcomes (Morton, Willebrand, Gerhard, et al. Personality characteristics, rather than the size or severity of the injury, determine the ability of the patient to cope after burn injury (Kidal, Willebrand, Andersson, et al. Patients who experience a burn injury tend to have high rates of involvement in risky behaviors (eg, alcohol and substance abuse, depression) before the injury (Morton et al. Coping styles and perceived threat of death at the time of the burn injury are strong predictors of how well the patient recovers psychologically in the postburn period (Willebrand, Anderson & Ekselius, 2004). Intrusive thoughts of the burn event and reliving it over and over may also occur and can indicate posttraumatic stress disorder. The nurse can assist the patient to develop effective coping strategies by setting specific expectations for behavior, promoting truthful communication to build trust, helping the patient practice appropriate strategies, and giving positive reinforcement when appropriate. Most importantly, the nurse and all members of the health care team must demonstrate acceptance of the patient. At times the anger may be directed inward because of a sense of guilt, perhaps for causing the fire or even for surviving when loved ones perished. The anger may be directed outward toward those who escaped unharmed or toward those who are now providing care. One way to help the patient handle these emotions is to enlist someone to whom the patient can vent feelings without fear of retaliation. A nurse, social worker, psychiatric liaison nurse, or spiritual advisor who is not involved in direct care activities may fill this role successfully. Patients with burn injuries are very dependent on health care team members during the long period of treatment and recovery. However, even when physically unable to contribute much to self-care, they should be included in decisions regarding care and encouraged to assert their individuality in terms of preferences and recognition of their unique identities. As the patient improves in mobility and strength, the nurse works with the patient to set realistic expectations for self-care, including self-feeding, assistance with wound care procedures, exercise, and planning for the future. Many patients respond positively to the use of contractual agreements and other strategies that recognize their independence and their specific role as part of the health care team moving toward the goal of self-care. Consultation with psychiatric/mental health care providers may be helpful to assist the patient in developing effective coping strategies. Supporting Patient and Family Processes Family functioning is disrupted with burn injury. Family members need to be instructed about ways that they can support the patient as adaptation to burn trauma occurs. The burn injury has tremendous psychological, economic, and practical impact on the patient and family. Referrals for social services or psychological counseling should be made as appropriate. Patients who experience major burns are commonly sent to burn centers far from home. The nurse assesses the ability of the patient and family to grasp and cope with the information. Verbal information is supplemented by videos, 321 models, or printed materials if available. Patient and family education is a priority in the acute and rehabilitation phases. Monitoring and Managing Potential Complications Heart Failure and Pulmonary Edema The patient is assessed for fluid overload, which may occur as fluid is mobilized from the interstitial compartment back into the intravascular compartment. If the cardiac and renal systems cannot compensate for the excess vascular volume, heart failure and pulmonary edema may result.

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You’re probably beginning to see how powerful your mind is as it creates the constant array of emotions that you experience throughout the day tricor 160 mg low price cholesterol ratio uk. Your important take-away from this is simply that your feelings are a consequence of your thoughts! When an emotion arises simply note it in your mind buy generic tricor 160mg line cholesterol and diet, for example, sadness, anger, happiness, etc. When you notice that you’re feeling a certain emotion, see if you can figure out what the original thought, or sensation, was that produced the emotion. Then trace the sequence of reactive thoughts that lead to the development of the emotion. Summary • Emotions are labels that your brain places on thoughts and physical sensations, to tell you whether what’s being experienced is perceived to be helpful or harmful to your existence. I want you to feel the Iitches, the squeezes or cramps, all the sensations of pressure, the fluttering or burning sensations. H Your body is alive with activity and there are always multiple sensations that are occurring without you even being aware of them. When you bring your awareness to your body, you can quickly appreciate the constant physical activity that is present. Normally your brain receives these many superficial and perfectly normal physical sensations and in effect, filters them out so that they don’t reach your conscious awareness. However, there are some individuals, like my patient Larry for example, whose filtering mechanisms are not as effective, or who have a heightened awareness of normal or mildly abnormal sensations and may be extra-aware of them on a regular basis. Completely normal sensations encourage Larry to believe that there is something physically wrong with 35 36 • Mindfulness Medication him. His interpretation of these normal sensations, in other words, the story he tells himself in response to these sensations, gives rise to the emotion of anxiety. The anxiety in turn, encourages Larry to focus even more on the physical sensations, thereby providing additional causes for concern. Larry often gets caught in this loop of his own making without even knowing it, but the end result is genuine physical harm resulting from the ongoing stress and anxiety. As I mentioned earlier, my patient Mika has Irritable Bowel Syndrome, which is a functional gastrointestinal disorder. In response to the abdominal pain, Mika believed that she had bowel cancer at first, which is another example of thinking of the worst possible outcome! Naturally, her stress levels went through the roof in response to this thought, which then further aggravated her condition. When she finally came in to see me she was quite convinced that she was on her deathbed and it took a lot of reassurance to persuade her that she was not. Frequently, people with chest pain may believe that they’re having a heart attack. They usually experience sensations through the filters of their own reactive stories and emotions. These stories and their accompanying emotions can be more painful than the original physical sensation itself! Close your eyes and focus on the physical sensations arising in your body H once again. This time, see if there are any stories emerging about, or from, the sensations that you’re experiencing. Are there any thoughts of anxiety, curiosity or concern that develop because of the sensations? The Physical Consequences of Thought • 37 Can you recall any previous events where you had some troubling concerns over a physical sensation that you were experiencing? So now you’ve seen that physical sensations can trigger your own story production line to kick into gear, which can then trigger your emotions. Now I’d like to re-examine the idea, presented in chapter one, that your body also responds to thoughts and emotions by producing physical sensations. Hans Selyé, a pioneering researcher in the field of biological stress, was instrumental in defining something he called the “stress response. Your body responds to a perceived threat by initiating a series of physiological events that researchers call an alarm reaction.

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