
By H. Samuel. Smith College.

Te great ideas of clinical science: 17 principles that every mental health researcher and practitioner should understand nexium 40 mg for sale gastritis diet 101. Forthcoming book with an organization as the author Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations discount 20 mg nexium otc diabetic gastritis diet. Behavioral treatment for substance abuse in people with serious and persistent mental illness: a handbook for mental health professionals. Diagnostico y tratamiento en la practica medica [Diagnosis and treatment in medical practice]. Abused boys, wounded men: taking responsibility for ending the cycle of pain [videocassette]. Te extracellular matrix and ground regulation: basis for a holistic biological medicine. Papers and Poster Sessions Presented at Meetings Created: October 10, 2007; Updated: August 11, 2015. If subsequent publication is known, cite the published form rather than the meeting paper or poster session. Begin the reference with information on the author(s) and title of the paper or poster session; use the same format as that used for conference papers. Use the phrases "Paper presented at:" and "Poster session presented at:" to connect author and title information with meeting information. Although author afliation is an optional part of a citation, including it in references to unpublished papers and poster sessions is very helpful to the reader because compilations of papers and poster sessions can be difcult to locate. Examples provided in this chapter are primarily from material distributed at various conferences. No attempt was made to ascertain whether or not subsequent publication occurred, as would normally be done before citation. Continue to Citation Rules with Examples for Papers and Poster Sessions Presented at Meetings. Continue to Examples of Citations to Papers and Poster Sessions Presented at Meetings. Citation Rules with Examples for Papers and Poster Sessions Presented at Meetings Components/elements are listed in the order they should appear in a reference. An R afer the component name means that it is required in the citation; an O afer the name means it is optional. Author (R) | Author Afliation (O) | Title (R) | Connective Phrase (R) | Conference Proceedings (R) | Language (R) | Notes (O) Author of Paper or Poster Presented (required) General Rules for Author • List names in the order they appear in the text • Enter surname (family or last name) frst for each author • Capitalize surnames and enter spaces within surnames as they appear in the document cited on the assumption that the author approved the form used. Tis rule ignores some conventions used in non-English languages to simplify rules for English-language publications. Papers and Poster Sessions Presented at Meetings 759 Box 3 continued from previous page. Names in non-roman alphabets (Cyrillic, Greek, Arabic, Hebrew, Korean) or character-based languages (Chinese, Japanese). Romanization, a form of transliteration, means using the roman (Latin) alphabet to represent the letters or characters of another alphabet. Tis rule ignores some conventions used in non-English languages to simplify rules for English-language publications. Papers and Poster Sessions Presented at Meetings 761 Box 7 continued from previous page. Separate the surname from the given name or initials by a comma; follow initials with a period; separate successive names by a semicolon. If you abbreviate a word in one reference in a list of references, abbreviate the same word in all references. Paper presented at: Interacting with the digital environment: modern scientifc publishing. Marubini E (Istituto di Statistica Medica e Biometria, Universita degli Studi di Milano, Milan, Italy), Rebora P, Reina G. Tis rule ignores some conventions used in non-English languages to simplify rules for English-language publications. Papers and Poster Sessions Presented at Meetings 765 Box 11 continued from previous page.

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Clinical studies of upper respiratory tract infections treated with extracts of fresh Echinacea purpurea whole plant or aerial plant 40mg nexium with visa gastritis diet 10, especially in liquid form cheap nexium 40 mg gastritis vitamin d deficiency, are consistently positive compared with those using dried echinacea extracts or powdered herbs, especially in solid forms (tablets or capsules). It is possible that echinacea may exert direct local effects and that contact with lymphatic tissue in the mouth and throat is extremely important in an upper respiratory tract infection. Reasonably large and well-designed, double-blind, placebo-controlled studies have found that preparations of echinacea from the aerial portion of the plant produce modest effects in staving off colds as well as reducing symptoms and duration. The length of time between infections was 40 days with echinacea, 25 days with the placebo. When infections did occur in patients receiving echinacea, they were less severe and resolved more quickly. The results from another trial were especially encouraging, as they suggested that echinacea can not only make colds shorter and less severe but also sometimes stop a cold that is just starting. Participants took either echinacea or the placebo at a dosage of 20 drops every two hours the first day, then 20 drops three times a day for nine more days. Fewer people in the echinacea group felt that their initial symptoms actually developed into “real” colds (40% of those taking echinacea vs. Also, among those who did come down with real colds, improvement in the symptoms started sooner in the echinacea group (after four days instead of eight days). For example, a study of children 2 to 11 years old was particularly disappointing, as the results indicated not only that it was ineffective but also that its use was associated with an increased risk of rash. The failure in this trial may have been due to the above- mentioned lack of direct contact with the oral cavity’s lymphatic system. Clearly, more research using well-characterized echinacea preparations at appropriate dosages in well-designed trials is necessary. Currently, the gold standard for evaluating cold remedies involves inoculating healthy individuals with rhinovirus. Though the concentration of viral assault is much greater than what one might encounter in the real world, any substance showing efficacy in this model is regarded as being highly efficacious. Colds developed in 58% of echinacea recipients compared with 82% of placebo recipients. Although administration of echinacea before and after exposure to rhinovirus did not decrease the rate of infection, it did appear to reduce the clinical development of a cold. However, because of the small sample size, it was not possible to detect statistically significant differences in the frequency and severity of illness. South African Geranium (Pelargonium sidoides) The common name for this plant, Umckaloaba, is a close approximation of the word in the Zulu language that means “severe cough” and is a testimony to its effect in bronchitis (see the chapter “Bronchitis and Pneumonia”). In addition to showing significant benefits in bronchitis and sinusitis, it has also shown benefit in treating the common cold. In one study, 103 adult patients were randomly assigned to receive either 30 drops (1. The old adage “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” is true for the common cold as well as the majority of other conditions afflicting human health. For more information on supporting the immune system, see the chapter “Immune System Support. Nutritional Supplements • Vitamin C: 500 to 1,000 mg every two hours (decrease if it produces excessive gas or diarrhea) along with 1,000 mg mixed bioflavonoids per day • Zinc lozenges: The best lozenges are those that utilize glycine as the sweetener. Prolonged supplementation (more than one week) at this dose is not recommended, as it may lead to suppression of the immune system. Botanical Medicines • Take one of the following: Echinacea (first two forms are preferred): – Fluid extract of the fresh aerial portion of E. This results in a reduced filtration rate by the kidneys, which in turn leads to sodium and fluid retention. Adding more stress to the situation is the secretion of hormones by the kidneys to try to raise blood pressure by constricting blood vessels and increasing the fluid volume in the blood. In an attempt to compensate for the reduced output by the heart, the heart beats faster (tachycardia), the force of contraction increases, and the heart enlarges from the stress. The measures described here can be used as adjunctive therapy in these more severe cases. This impaired energy production is often the result of nutrient or coenzyme deficiency (e. This association is extremely significant, as magnesium levels have been shown to correlate directly with survival rates. These results are not surprising, considering that magnesium deficiency is associated with cardiac arrhythmias, reduced cardiovascular prognosis, worsened angina, lower mitochondrial energy production (critical for heart muscle health), and increased mortality due to heart attack (myocardial infarction).

Time to achieve complete sensory or motor block and extent of cephalic spread remained unchanged order 20mg nexium visa chronic gastritis nexium. Although neuraxial clonidine prolongs anaesthe- sia buy 40 mg nexium with mastercard gastritis meal plan, it can cause hypotension and bradycardia [60, 62], and although it prolongs analgesia in central neuraxial blocks, its use in peripheral nerve blocks remains controversial. A systematic, qualitative review of double-blind, randomised, controlled trials (27 studies from July 1991 to October 2006 of 1,385 patients) found that 15 studies supported the use of clonidine as an adjunct to peripheral nerve blocks, whereas 12 studies failed to show any bene¿t. The authors concluded that clonidine improves analgesia and anaesthesia dura- tion when used as an adjunct to intermediate-acting local anaesthetics for some peripheral nerve blocks. Evidence is lacking for the use of clonidine as an adjunct to local anaesthet- ics for continuous catheter techniques [63]. Partial sciatic nerve liga- tion produces axonal damage, a local inÀammatory response, and wallerian degeneration. Their results suggest that perineural clonidine acts on alpha- 2-adrenoceptors to reduce hypersensitivity in established nerve injury, most likely by an immunomodulatory mechanism, and may be effective in patients in the weeks after nerve injury. Intra- articular administration of clonidine in arthroscopic knee surgery has also been described with contradictory results [67, 68]. Clonidine has also been used as a preanaesthetic because of its anxiolytic properties without having re- spiratory depressant activity and therefore may be potentially useful during that period [15, 80–89]. Premedication with clonidine reduced the requirement for volatile agents during general anaesthesia [84], whereas clonidine 2. However, 5 mcg/kg-1 clonidine orally was associated with prolonged recovery from propofol/fentanyl anaesthesia [86, 87]. After oral premedication with either clonidine 3 mcg/kg-1 or placebo in patients un- dergoing vascular surgery, Morris et al. Therefore, it is possible that the reduced cardiac output of these patients resulted in altered propofol disposition so that slower infusion rates were required to achieve the same blood concentrations. Induction of anaesthesia, tracheal intubation, surgical incision and surgery under regional anaesthesia and mergence from anaesthesia are associated with dramatically increased sympathetic activity. Alpha-2-adrenoceptor agonists at appropriate doses reliably control heart rate and blood pressure in patients undergoing surgery [3, 4, 69, 75, 78, 81, 90–101], including neurosurgery [24, 70, 81, 93, 102–104]. The incidence of perioperative myocardial ischaemia was signi¿cantly reduced with clonidine. In addition, clonidine reduced the in- cidence of postoperative mortality for up to 2 years. However, these patients were dispro- portionately present in the placebo group, and the mortality difference was thus considered to be due to the presence of a subset of high-risk patients in the placebo group [4]. The lack of widespread use of clonidine by anaesthesiologists probably reÀects [108, 109]: 1. Aantaa R, Jalonen J (2006) Perioperative use of alpha2-adrenoceptor agonists and the cardiac patient. Fletcher D, Aubrun F, Adam F et al for the Comité douleur-anesthésie locorégion- ale et le comité des référentiels de la Sfar (2008) Formalized recommendations of experts 2008. Gordh T, Jansson I, Hartvig P et al (1989) Interactions between noradrenergic and cholinergic mechanisms involved in spinal nociceptive processing. Noyer M, de Laveleye F, Vauquelin G et al (1994) Mivazerol, a novel compound with high speci¿city for alpha 2 adrenergic receptors: binding studies on different human and rat membrane preparations. Sallinen J, Haapalinna A, Viitamaa T et al (1998) Adrenergic alpha-2C-receptors modulate the acoustic startle reÀex, prepulse inhibition, and aggression in mice. Tank J, Jordan J, Diedrich A et al (2004) Clonidine improves spontaneous barore- Àex sensitivity in conscious mice through parasympathetic activation. Tibirica E, Feldman J, Mermet C et al (1991) An imidazoline-speci¿c mechanism for the hypotensive effect of clonidine: a study with yohimbine and idazoxan. Koppert W, Sittl R, Scheuber K et al (2003) Differential modulation of remifenta- nil-induced analgesia and postinfusion hyperalgesia by S-ketamine and clonidine in humans. Polarz H, Bohrer H, Martin E et al (1993) Oral clonidine premedication prevents the rise in intraocular pressure following succinylcholine administration. Bonhomme V, Maquet P, Phillips C et al (2008) The effect of clonidine infusion on 288 C. Delaunay L, Bonnet F, Liu N et al (1993) Clonidine comparably decreases the thermoregulatory thresholds for vasoconstriction and shivering in humans. Joris J, Banache M, Bonnet F et al (1993) Clonidine and ketanserin both are effec- tive treatment for postanesthetic shivering. Marinangeli F, Ciccozzi A, Donatelli F et al (2002) Clonidine for treatment of postoperative pain: a dose-¿nding study.

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Iloprost for prevention of contrast-mediated nephropathy in high-risk patients undergoing a coronary procedure buy nexium 40 mg on-line gastritis diet . Recombinant human atrial natriuretic peptide in ischemic acute renal failure: a randomized placebo-controlled trial cheap nexium 20mg overnight delivery gastritis root word. Theophylline for prevention of contrast-induced nephropathy: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Effectiveness of theophylline prophylaxis of renal impairment after coronary angiography in patients with chronic renal insufficiency. Nephroprotection by theophylline in patients with cisplatin chemotherapy: a randomized, single-blinded, placebo-controlled trial. Theophylline for renal function in term neonates with perinatal asphyxia: a randomized, placebo-controlled trial. Prevention of radiographic-contrast-agent-induced reductions in renal function by acetylcysteine. Acetylcysteine in the prevention of contrast-induced nephropathy: a case study of the pitfalls in the evolution of evidence. N-acetylcysteine for the prevention of kidney injury in abdominal aortic surgery: a random- ized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. The value of N-acetylcysteine in the prevention of radiocontrast agent-induced nephropathy seems questionable. Effects of saline, mannitol, and furosemide to prevent acute decreases in renal function induced by radiocontrast agents. Selenium replacement in patients with severe systemic inflammatory response syndrome improves clinical outcome. Can renal dysfunction after infra-renal aortic aneurysm repair be modified by multi-antioxidant supplementation? Ascorbic acid prevents contrast-mediated nephropathy in patients with renal dysfunction undergoing coronary angiography or intervention. Does ascorbic acid protect against contrast-induced acute kidney injury in patients undergoing coronary angiography: a systematic review with meta-analysis of randomized, controlled trials. Among these triggers, some are considered absolute indications to avert potentially life threatening complications and others are considered more relative (Table 12. This has created challenges for making clear inferences to inform clinical practice. In this study, there were no observed differences in mortality or recovery of kidney function. Changes in the incidence and outcome for early acute kidney injury in a cohort of Australian intensive care units. Population-based incidence, mortality and quality of life in critically ill patients treated with renal replacement therapy: a nationwide retrospective cohort study in Finnish intensive care units. Acute renal failure in critically ill patients: a multinational, multicenter study. Outcomes and cost-effectiveness of initiating dialysis and continuing aggressive care in seriously ill hospitalized adults. Study to Understand Prognoses and Preferences for Outcomes and Risks of Treatments. Costs of care, long-term prognosis and quality of life in patients requiring renal replacement therapy during intensive care. Chronic dialysis and death among survivors of acute kidney injury requiring dialysis. Prognosis for long-term survival and renal recovery in critically ill patients with severe acute renal failure: a population-based study. Practice patterns in the management of acute renal failure in the critically ill patient: an international survey. Association between renal replacement therapy in critically ill patients with severe acute kidney injury and mortality. Multiple-center evaluation of mortality associated with acute kidney injury in critically ill patients: a competing risks analysis. A comparison of early versus late initiation of renal replacement therapy in critically ill patients with acute kidney injury: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Timing of renal replacement therapy initiation in acute renal failure: a meta-analysis.

The same variables 16 Erythropoietin Facilitates Return of Spontaneous Circulation 199 Fig nexium 40 mg fast delivery gastritis diet 50. P values were calculated using Wald statistics and adjusted by pretreatment covariates order nexium 40 mg otc gastritis que comer, which could inÀuence outcomes [i. Numbers inside bars denote patients remaining in cardiac arrest and receiving cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Because a single dose was administered, substantial effects on erythropoi- esis were not anticipated. In fact, haemoglobin and haematocrit in the pres- ent study were not statistically different than controls at 48 h and at 72 h. Cerebral ischaemia is inevitable during cardiac arrest and to some extent during the postre- suscitation period. Evidence shows that the brain remains hypoxic during the ¿rst few hours of recovery from cardiac arrest, but no more than 2 days [33]. Namiuchi S, Kagaya Y, Ohta J et al (2005) High serum erythropoietin level is associated with smaller infarct size in patients with acute myocardial infarction who undergo successful primary percutaneous coronary intervention. Ghezzi P, Brines M (2004) Erythropoietin as an antiapoptotic, tissue-protective cytokine. Celik M, Gokmen N, Erbayraktar S et al (2002) Erythropoietin prevents motor neuron apoptosis and neurologic disability in experimental spinal cord ischemic injury. Li Y, Takemura G, Okada H et al (2006) Reduction of inÀammatory cytokine ex- pression and oxidative damage by erythropoietin in chronic heart failure. Hirata A, Minamino T, Asanuma H et al (2006) Erythropoietin enhances neovascu- larization of ischemic myocardium and improves left ventricular dysfunction after myocardial infarction in dogs. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 290:H2402–H2408 16 Erythropoietin Facilitates Return of Spontaneous Circulation 203 24. Grmec S, Strnad M, Kupnik D et al (2009) Erythropoietin facilitates the return of spontaneous circulation and survival in victims of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. Kolar M, Križmarić M, Klemen P et al (2008) Partial pressure of end-tidal carbon dioxide successful predicts cardiopulmonary resuscitation in the ¿eld: a prospec- tive observational study. Liu R, Suzuki A, Guo Z et al (2006) Intrinsic and extrinsic erythropoietin enhanc- es neuroprotection against ischemia and reperfusion injury in vitro. Ruscher K, Freyer D, Karsch M et al (2002) Erythropoietin is a paracrine media- tor of ischemic tolerance in the brain: evidence from an in vitro model. Jelkmann W, Wagner K (2004) Bene¿cial and ominous aspects of the pleiotropic action of erythropoietin. Kumral A, Uysal N, Tugyan K et al (2004) Erythropoietin improves long-term spatial memory de¿cits and brain injury following neonatal hypoxia-ischemia in rats. Behav Brain Res 153:77–86 Pathophysiology of Resistance 17 amongst Aerobic Gram-negative Bacilli in Particular Acinetobacter Species N. When a patient is critically ill, carriage of normal Àora is eroded and then replaced by abnormal Àora, and the density of growth shifts from low to high grade (gut overgrowth). Normal Àora consists of six potential pathogens: Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus inÀuenzae, Moraxella catarrhalis (found in the oropharynx only); Escherichia coli (found in the gut) and Staphylococcus aureus and Candida albicans (found in both the oropharynx and gut). High-grade carriage is synonymous with gut over- growth and is the crucial event that precedes endogenous infection. Primary endogenous infection occurs when the caus- ative microorganism is present in the admission Àora; it generally occurs within 1 week of admission. The frequency is 55% and parenteral antimicrobials are the manoeuvre to treat/prevent this type of infection [2]. The manoeuvre to impact this type of infection is enteral antimicrobials and good hygiene [3]. The manoeuvre designed to combat this infection is hygiene and topical antimicrobials [4]. The main mechanism for transmission of potential pathogens including Acinetobacter baumannii is spread via the hands of healthcare workers. Adequate hand hygiene is therefore thought to 17 Pathophysiology of Resistance amongst Aerobic Gram-negative Bacilli 209 be crucial in preventing transmission of A. There is low-level evidence for the efforts to control infection with handwashing [5].

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This result was extended by Schubiger and Schneiderman (1971) when it was shown that preblastoderm nuclei could be transplanted into oocytes discount 20mg nexium visa gastritis symptoms australia, then develop 8 to 10 days when placed in a mature female nexium 40mg otc gastritis kronik. These implants were retrieved, then dissociated, and the nuclei were again used for serial nuclear transplantation. The serial nuclear transplant embryos were transferred into developing larvae where they underwent metamorphosis along with their hosts to form adult tissues. Therefore, extensive genetic reprogramming of donor nuclei was possible but required serial nuclear transplantation similar to that used in amphibia. Conclusions The work with amphibia clearly demonstrated that nuclear transplantation could be used to efficiently generate multiple cloned individuals using blastomeres from early cleavage embryos. Although rates of development were diminished when more highly differentiated cell types were used as donors for nuclear transplanta- tion, it was possible to generate live offspring. Therefore, differentiation was reversible and developmental fates were subject to reprogramming under appro- priate conditions. The extent of development following nuclear transplantation also varied considerably among tissues. Gurdon (1970) voiced caution that “nuclear transplantation experiments can only provide a minimum estimate of developmen- tal capacity of a nucleus or a population of nuclei. The proportion of nuclear transfer embryos that result in live births may reflect the relative infrequency of specific stem cells that may be more amenable to nuclear reprogramming. The more limited reprogram- ming observed with Mexican axolotl and Drosophila may indicate that some changes are irreversible. If true, then some organisms or cell types may have bio- logical barriers preventing nuclear reprogramming. At this point, the molecular basis for nuclear reprogramming was left to conjecture. The value of being able to make multiple clones of genetically superior livestock for the purpose of intensifying genetic selection was not lost on agricultural scientists. As a result, efforts to apply nuclear transplantation to create cloned livestock were under- taken by several groups. Overview of the Procedures The nuclear transplantation procedures were pioneered in 1952 in R. The donor cells were most conveniently handled in suspension following trypsinization. The donor cells were drawn into a glass micropipet, then inserted into the enucleated egg between the center and the animal pole. The intact donor cell, with its nucleus, cytoplasm, and membranes, was expelled into the recipient egg. The membranes surrounding the recipient cell should heal spontaneously as the pipet is withdrawn. The eggs were then transferred to buffered media and cleavage proceeded as manipulation of the oocyte was suf- ficient activation stimulus in amphibians. Nuclear transplantation procedures in mammals involve four specific steps: (1) enucleation, (2) transfer of a donor nucleus along with its associated cytoplasm, (3) fusion of the donor nucleus and recipient cytoplasm, and (4) activation of cleavage (Fig. Enucleation is accomplished by inserting a glass micropipet through the zona pelucida and withdrawing the polar body and metaphase chromosomes. Rather than direct injection, the intact donor cell (nucleus, cytoplasm, and mem- branes) is expelled into the perivitelline space adjacent to the enucleated oocyte with the aid of a micropipet. The enucleated oocyte and intact donor cell are then fused and treated to initiate the cell cycle, which is referred to as activation. A donor cell (nucleus and cytoplasm) is transferred to the perivitelline space using a micropipet. Electrical pulses are used to stimulate fusion of the plasma membranes of the donor cell and recipient cytoplast causing the donor nucleus to enter recipient cytoplasm and initiation of cell division. If successful, the embryo will continue to undergo cleavage to form a normal blastocyst.

Kabul (Afganistan): United Nations cheap nexium 40mg amex dr weil gastritis diet, Afghanistan Information Management Service; 2004 discount 20 mg nexium fast delivery gastritis type a and b. Airborne radioactivity survey of the Tabernacle Buttes area, Sublette and Fremont Counties, Wyoming [remote-sensing map]. Map with an edition Richmond Virginia: includes downtown enlargement, indexed streets, place names, shopping centers, schools, airports, hospitals, places of worship, parks & recreation, and much more [map]. Map with geographic qualifier added to place of publication Hagstrom map of Ulster County, New York: fully street-indexed, U. Map with place of publication inferred Percentage of persons not covered by health insurance compared with the national average, by state: 1992 [United States] [map]. Arkansas population distribution, with shaded relief features of the physical landscape [map]. Map with subsidiary division of the publisher Ghana, maternal malnutrition by region: percent mothers with children under 3 years who are malnourished [map]. Kabul (Afghanistan): United Nations, Afghanistan Information Management Service; 2004. Map with joint or co-publisher 1985 national shellfsh register of classifed estuarine waters: regional maps of shellfsh growing waters [United States] [map]. Recent unexplained mass mortality of marine fauna: a look at ocean nuclear waste dumps as possible sources of stress [Northeast Atlantic Ocean] [map]. Map with month included in date of publication Adolescent fertility rates, ages 15 to 19, 1994 [World] [map]. Map with date of publication estimated Percentage of persons not covered by health insurance compared with the national average, by state: 1992 [United States] [map]. Map physical description showing projection Maiden quadrangle, North Carolina, 1993 [topographic map]. Ground-water use by public supply systems in Tennessee in 1988 [map on microfche]. Te legal profession employs a unique system of citation unlike that generally used in medicine and the sciences. Tis legal style is described in detail in Te Bluebook: a Uniform System of Citation (18th ed. Because this legal standard is well established and its citation format accurately identifes legal documents for retrieval from law and general libraries, no attempt has been made to force references to legal materials such as public laws and hearings into a traditional format. Instead, examples of the common types of legal citations are provided here and the reader should consult Te Bluebook for details. Tey represent the standards followed in the United States and may not be applicable to legal documents in other countries. Public Law National All Schedules Prescription Electronic Reporting Act of 2005, Pub. Congressional Hearing - House Plant Biotechnology Research and Development in Africa: Challenges and Opportunities: Hearing Before the Subcomm. Arsenic in Drinking Water: An Update on the Science, Benefts and Cost: Hearing Before the Subcomm. Forthcoming Journal Articles • Sample Citation and Introduction • Citation Rules with Examples • Examples B. Forthcoming Books • Sample Citation and Introduction • Citation Rules with Examples • Examples See also: Chapter 1 Journals Chapter 2 Books A. Sample Citation and Introduction to Citing Forthcoming Journal Articles Te general format for a reference to a forthcoming journal article, including punctuation: Examples of Citations to Forthcoming Journal Articles Forthcoming material consists of journal articles or books accepted for publication but not yet published. Do not include as forthcoming those articles that have been submitted for publication but have not yet been accepted for publication. Note that some publishers will not accept references to any form of unpublished items in a reference list. You may add the afliation of the frst author or additional authors of the article to the citation to facilitate retrieval in the event there is some delay or change in fnal 680 Citing Medicine publication. For journal articles you may also include the exact volume and issue number if known. For more examples of the components of citations, see Chapter 1A Journal Articles. Citation Rules with Examples for Forthcoming Journal Articles Components/elements are listed in the order they should appear in a reference.

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